coming out & confessing-E.O

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|y/n and Lizzie are best friends and y/n came out as a lesbian|
Y/f/i- your first initial
Y/n- your name
Y/h/c- your hair color
Y/e/c- your eye color
Y/n's pov
I realized it's finally time to come out to Lizzie since we have been friends for what? Like four or five years and i would lie if i told you i didn't have a big fat crush on her,I mean have you seen the woman?

I woke up in Lizzie's guest room since i kinda live here now,I'm honestly so scared that I'm shaking here in the shower right now my parents kicked me out two years ago because apparently they didn't have a gay daughter. Me and my mom still call and text each other almost every day,she never wanted to kick me out but my father was a rich man. My mother couldn't afford her medicine so i promised her once i get a place and my new movie comes out i will pick her up once she signed the divorce papers. My dad is a alcoholic and he used to abuse me so much using a belt,broken glass or a bat it was honestly hell.

I took my towel and brushed my hair after brushing my teeth and wearing my clothes

I took my towel and brushed my hair after brushing my teeth and wearing my clothes

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I went down and saw Lizzie cooking "Heyyy!" I said and hugged her from behind and i swore i felt her breath hitch "g-goodmorning y/n" she said and i kissed her cheeks and let go of her "morning Liz!" I said and sat down on the counter "What ya cookin'?" "breakfast..for you" she said placing some toasted bread on top of it some bacons and Sunnyside up egg "I'm going to work later y/n/n and coming back tonight around 7:00pm are you okay on your own? You can come with me on set-" I cut her off giggling "I'm fine Lizzie, but thanks" I said getting off the counter and i looked her up and down she looked really good in my clothes "oh- right i borrowed your hoodie and pants for now is that okay?" "More than okay,you look really good" I and getting my plate "Havr you eaten yet?" I asked her "yep i just have to go now good bye and please no boys over-"
"Yes,yes. I know and plus boys are gross" I said chuckling and she laughed "I'll get going now" she said and i ran to her and hugged her "oh-" she hugged back and i kissed her cheeks "I'm gonna miss you Lizzie" I said pouting "I'm only gonna be gone for like 8 hours y/n" she said pulling away from the hug "Worst eight hours of my life" I said and she laughed and kissed me my cheeks "I'll miss you too,bye" she said and walked away

I felt my cheeks heat up oh god Liz what are you doing to me? I asked myself and ate the beautiful breakfast that woman made and turned on the tv after eating and washing the dishes i just turned on Avenger; AOU
Which Lizzie- or Wanda was realllyyy hot in it and obviously i started thinking what to tell Liz tonight..maybe i should set up a dinner for her and me

I heard my phone ding and i opened it to see Scarlett text me

Hey Y/n,Liz is here
on set and she forgot her
phone can you maybe
get it on her bedroom and
come here?

Oh my god! I'm
going there?!

If your not busy yeah,
Lizzie just needs her
phone rn

Okay okay!
I'm coming!!!

I instantly stood up and got my car keys and Scarlett sent me the address of the studio and I went there to be greeted by Chris Evans!
"Hey you must be y/n,come inside we have a suprise for you" I nodded and saw Lizzie and gave her the phone "thanks Y/n/n" she said kissing my cheeks again!

"Oum..what's the suprise?.." I asked Scarlett walking with me,Lizzie and Chris E now "Wait in Lizzie's trailer" he said pointing at a door and i nodded and got in.

Lizzie's pov.
"You sure you both got everything ready?" I asked Chris and Scarlett "yes Lizzie,don't worry" Scarlett said and i nodded "are you sure your ready?" Chris asked "yes..i-..yes im ready" I said and took a deep breath and Chris gave me the bouquet of tulips since it's y/n's favorite flower and Scarlett gave me the necklace with both me and y/n's initial "E and Y/f/i" i walked in my trailer Chris filming while Scarlett..well Scarlett was tearing up seeing me finally getting my chance to confess to the y/h/c woman

"uh..Lizzie?" Y/n said standing up "Y/n you,not like in a friend way but in a romantic way. I finally built up the courage to confess to you today, i don't and ever want to ruin our friendship but i really love you ever since i saw you,your beautiful y/h/c hair,your lovely y/e/c eyes to that could light up my day every day by just looking straight into my eyes,your's so intoxicating especially with those clothes you always wear and y-your favorite hoodie..which i gave you on our first sleepover which was the best,i may have not gotten any sleep because i was staring at you but it was one of our best memories I'll never ever forget. I tried many times confessing to you but i just can't since your always with those beautiful girls i could never compare to. What im trying to say is i love you y/n..will you be my girlfriend? Maybe even future wife?" I asked and tears started slipping off y/n's beautiful eyes "oh- I'm sorry did i do something wro-" before i could finish my sentence her plump and soft lips were on's like a puzzle suddenly got fixed

We both pulled away breathless "Yes! A million yes! I love you too much" she said hugging me tight when i gave her the flowers and necklace "their beautiful Lizzie thank you i love them" she said pulling away and smelling the flowers "Why do you love tulips y/n/n?" I asked "They remind me of you.. they're beautiful and they smell amazing" she said kissing me once again and we broke the kiss when we heard screaming behind us "YES!!!" "Finally you love birds" "posting the video!" "Congrats!" We all saw the whole set including the Russo's " all saw the whole thing?" Y/n asked and they nodded
I took her hand "y/n..will you be comfortable with me telling the whole world your finally mine so that no one and i mean no one will and would flirt with you?" I asked and she giggled "Of course my love" she said and we both hugged again.

Love thisss

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