Deja vu-W.M

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Nobody's pov
Y/n watched as her ex girlfriend Wanda Maximoff and Vision cook together

Tears watering in her eyes as Wanda laughed "Y/n" Y/n looked beside her to see her best friend "Hey Nat." "are you alright? You know you have to forget her someday" Nat smiled at her and
Y/n looked at Wanda then back at Nat again "I did. I swear,but seeing them together it's..making this weird feeling inside me" Nat pulled Y/n in for a hug and they both pulled away

Y/n looked at Wanda and Vision again and she looked back at Nat "He thinks it's special..but it's all reused" Nat sighed and sat closer to Y/n and out her hand on Y/n's knee "Y/n/n,look at me" Y/n looked at Nat and Nat swore she had this feeling inside her she never felt before

"You need someone who..loves you back and cares for you,the way you did for Wanda,you need someone who's ganna buy you ice cream at 3am without complaining and whenever you have cramps,they would cuddle with you" Y/n giggled and Nat smiled at her and continued "Most importantly you need someone who'll treat you like a queen. Not a princess"

The only thing Nat and Y/n didn't know that Wanda was watching. The whole time "You okay Wanda?" Vision snapped Wanda out off her thoughts of Y/n and Nat "Y-yeah sure."

The next thing Wanda heard that came out from Y/n's mouth hurt her. It was her number one fear ever
"I think I'm inlove with someone else." Wanda looked down sighing tears falling off her beautiful green eyes "Wanda?" "just stop. Okay?" Wanda stormed away.

"Y/n Wanda left" y/n looked behind her and didn't see Wanda only vision "I hope she's fine.." she whispered to Nat and the redhead nodded

"wanna watch a movie?" Nat suggested and Y/n agreed yet she still felt deja Vu since watching movies were her and Wanda's thing.

No part 2

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