I hate that i love you- W.M

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|y/n and Wanda are best friends since birth because they're parents where close friends until Y/n's parents died and Wanda's so they chose to protect each other no matter what,Y/n wanted to confess to Wanda her feelings for her but it was too late for the both of them.|

Y/n's pov
"I'm so excited for you!" Clint said and Natasha scoffed "of course you are" she said coldly "Oh come on Tasha,you know how much i love her" I said turning to Nat "Still what if she breaks you heart?" She said "She won't. I know it.." I whispered "Your all set now!" Kate said and i nodded looking at myself in the mirror and I sigh "Wish me luck,guys" I said turning to Clint,Nat and Kate. My best friends "Go get your girl." Kate said and i nodded and walked out the room holding the bouquet of everbloom blossom, Wanda's favorite flowers

I got to the kitchen and saw Her But what i heard was heartbreaking "So just you and me? Tonight?" Vision asked and Wanda smiled "Sure,why not?" She said "I..like you Wands,your not like any other woman" vision said and Wanda giggled "Thanks? I like you too" she said and Vision leaned in to kiss Wanda and Wanda leaned in too they kissed. The bouquet fell out of my hands creating a tud sound and Wanda looked over "Y/n-" "sorry to ruin the moment. Congrats. Bye." I said picking up the flowers and running to my room tears flowing down,mascara ruined but i didn't care

I got to my room and Natasha Gasped "Y/N?!" she rushed over to me and i hugged her not wanting to let go "What happened?" Clint asked "S-she kissing Vision- a-and they're g-going on a date" I said sobbing into Natasha's arms "Oh.." Kate whispered "I'm gonna fucking teach Wanda a piece of-" I cut Nat off "no! Please..just don't leave me!" I said and Nat nodded leading us to the bed and laid both of us down and i cuddled onto her "I'll talk to her" Kate said "n-no don't" I mumbled in Nat's neck "Okay.." Kate said and Clint spoke "we'll leave you two,okay?" Clint said "Yes please" Nat replied and i clinged into her more and fell asleep.

3 days later
It wasn't the same anymore. I kept my distance around Wanda and Vision and me and Nat came closer and gosh
I think I'm falling for her i walked to the kitchen and saw Wanda and Vision cooking together. They made their relationship official two days ago and Nat was just there to comfort me anytime i sat at the table near them "Hey Wanda, do you want to go on a date with me again tomorrow night?" Vision spoke making me look at both of them and Nat walked in and sat Infront of me and I'm guessing she noticed "sure I'd love to!" Wanda said my heart aching again "Hey Y/n,did you hear that Tony and Steve has a bet?" Nat said trying to distract me but my eyes was on Wanda and Vision. Vision said something making Wanda laugh "Y/n!" Natasha said and i looked at her "yes?" Nat sighed "will you go on a date with me tonight? And maybe let me court you?" Nat asked and i smiled "Yes!" I said and got up to hug her and she also got up and hugged me.

What Y/n didn't know was Wanda,was looking at them and heard everything.

Part 2 soon?

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