Natasha's daughter💞

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|y/n is Nat's adopted daughter she's 21 years old and Nat is 35, her and Wanda are close friends and idk what else to put here but yeah Wanda is 31 here;)|

3rd persons pov
Y/n woke up early at the morning around four am she's always tried so hard to be accepted on the team

She went to the gym after brushing her teeth and getting in some sport bra and shorts. Once she got in she started punching the punching bag endlessly until it was around five and she stopped for a quick water break and went in the ring and started practicing punches and kicks yes she had powers but she was too scared to use it only her mother and Wanda knew she had them Wanda did try encouraging her to use them for good and she could teach y/n but y/n refused knowing she would just fail

"your trying to hard sweetheart" y/n turned around to see her mother "I'm not. I'm just training.." she said continuing her training "Sweetie you know your already Great right? Plus i really think you should take those lessons Wanda offered" Natasha said and Y/n shook her head "I can't ma, I know I'll fail" y/n said her mother went in the ring and held y/n's arm "Listen to me love,you know im- well me and Wanda are always here for you right? You won't fail i know you won't your MY daughter and that's enough okay?" Nat said trying to comfort her daughter "it's complicated mom.." y/n said taking her hands off Natasha's "talk to me sweetheart" "It's's Wanda" y/n said sighing "What do you mean?" Natasha asked confused and her daughter started throwing punches again "I-.." y/n stopped and looked at her mother "promise you won't get mad?" Y/n said and Nat nodded

"I think..I'm..inlove with Wanda.." Y/n said her mom's eyes going wide "Y/n! She's 31?! Are you insane-" "You promised not to get mad?!" Y/n said scared "Okay okay I'm sorry sweetie but look how are you so sure you like her?" "I'm not..I know i love her.." Y/n said "of course the romantic you are" Nat replied chuckling but what they didn't know was Wanda heard everything since she was behind them

So?? this good? I can't think of anything else

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