Still Her?- E.O

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been a while since I came back here on Wattpad, sorry about that. But I'll try to write and write after school

This ep is just something to let me emotions out because my girlfriend cheated on me👍🏻

Y/n's pov
I watch as my wife, Elizabeth. Talks to Lilith, her ex fiance.

I knew I was just the rebound, the distraction. But I can't help but fall for her, she's smart, beautiful, kind, amazing. Shes perfect. Though, sometimes. She can forget dates. Like on our first anniversary. She completely forgot about our dinner. But that's okay, and also at my two birthdays, valentines, my premiere.

Those things doesn't matter. What does is, that I still love her. I think I always will. I know she still loves Lilith, though there's nothing I can do to change that but to take care of her and love her. She can forget to eat, or take care of herself sometimes.

Back to the present. I watch as she smiles at Lilith, a smile she's never shown me.

I can be forgetful too, like sometimes. I forget I'm just a rebound.

I stared at them, Lilith leaning closed to Lizzie. It broke my heart. Shattered into billion pieces. How could she even love me?.

I held tears back, it was no use as they just fell. Lizzie caught my eye, she looked at me. Still, no love found.

Lizzie's pov
I know I messed up. The first time I dated her just to make her a distraction.

I'm crazy, she probably hates me now. Gosh, I'm such a maniac.

"Excuse me" i smiled at Lilith and approached Y/n. Her eyes, they distant now. Ever since I came back in contact with my ex last week, she's been so different. Was it because of me? Or am I just overthinking? I'm a maniac.

"Y/n.." i spoke her name softly, gazing at her eyes. I reached over and wiped her tears "Y/n."  I spoke, again. This time firm, but still gently.

"I'm sorry..". I whispered, I know I hurt her bad.

I reached over to hug her, but she pulled away in surprise. Not likely her, she would always lean in and hug me tighter..her warmth would bring comfort to me.

"I wish we could just end."  Her words felt like a stab in my stomach. Did she mean it? Hopefully not..

"Love, you don't mean that.." she scoffed and looked away "I wish you were just mine.."

I paused.

Hers? That felt like a dream. Y/n is a.. amazing woman, she's kind, charming, beautiful, a gentlewoman.

Nobody could compare. Not even Lilith. But she's just not enough..

"Real sweet, but I wish I loved you back.."  I spoke, she seemed hurt. She walked away and I just stared at her. I messed up, again.

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