Your not the same.-W.M

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Y/n and her daughter, Crystal cried into each others arms "Baby promise me you'll stay safe okay?" Y/n said pulling away from they're tight hug "Of course mom" Y/n kissed her daughter's head before sending Crystal into another universe.

Y/n flew up wiping her tears away "what do you want Wanda!" She asked the witch settling beside Strange "You,and our daughter" Wanda said firmly "She's not yours she's mine! You left me remember?" Wanda clenched her jaw at the memory "It was a mistake" "Yes and mistakes get made" Strange spoke "Now,what does America have to do with this?" Strange asked and Wanda chuckled "Y/n..And America are best friends Strange" Wanda replied and Strange realized

Wanda was gonna capture America to get Y/n's attention and make Y/n do the trade.

"Wanda you have to stop!" Strange said and Wanda sighed "Don't you get it Stephen? I want my wife and my daughter." Wanda replied firmly coming closer to Y/n but Strange pulled Y/n away "No,you left her" strange said and Wanda raised an eyebrow "fine you won't give America or my family? Then you and your little group dies" Wanda was about to attack but Y/n spoke "No! Okay!" Wanda smiled "glad you came to your senses,my love" Y/n flew over to Wanda "No!" strange screamed but
Y/n already opened the portal and had Crystal in her arms beside Wanda "I'm sorry.." y/n whispered and disappeared with Wanda

Y/n is in Wanda's new house
"W-Wanda this isn't you please" Y/n begged but Wanda just smirked and laughed "'s such a shame i had to tie you up love" Y/n scoffed "Shut up! Where's Crystal?!" "don't you speak to me in that tone lady,and don't worry our princess is in the play room having fun"

"wanda-" "what happened to you after i left?" Wanda suddenly asks and Y/n hung her head low and mumbled something "What? Speak louder my love" Wanda said and Y/n looked up at her tears forming into the woman's eyes "I-..I started SH again." Wanda gasped "My love.." Wanda reached to see Y/n's wrist but she pulled away "Let me see-" "No!..I love you but..they're ugly" Y/n said and Wanda still insisted that Y/n show her

Y/n gave in and Wanda teared up seeing her lovely soulmate like this
"Y/ love..I'm sorry" she whispered cupping the woman's face softly "Let.Me.Go!" y/n said firmly and Wanda scoffed "Can't you see it Y/n? I'm trying to build our family back together" "we were never a family" Wanda froze tears started forming in her eyes but she stopped them from falling out "W-What" she mumbled and Y/n filled her eyes "Don't even Wanda you left when i was pregnant" Y/n husked and Wanda looked at her trying to get Y/n's love back "" "Then don't.I love you too okay? But this is toxic Wanda,tying me up?" Wanda nodded and untied Y/n "Where is MY daughter?" Y/n asked Wanda and Wanda led her to a room but Crystal wasn't there "Where's-" Y/n stopped when she heard the lock click and she turned around to see Wanda smirking "Wanda?!" Y/n tried to open the door but Wanda's powers where stopping her Y/n looked at Wanda scoffing "What the fuck?!" "language baby" Wanda walked over to Y/n pulling her waist "Stop." "no,your mine" Wanda whispered "N-No!" "You think i didn't notice? Hm? Don't act like you don't love me anymore Y/n" Y/n shivered

"Please" Y/n cried out "Aw baby" Wanda pulled Y/n more onto her cock
"My sweet Y/n."

Part two soon!!!!!!

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