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Forgive me for this.

Nobody's pov

"Promise you'll come back?" Lizzie broke her and Y/n's hug. "Yes." Y/n giggled. They were at the airport not caring if there were paparazzi

"After you come back,we'll get married okay?" Y/n nodded smiling and pecked Lizzie's lips one last time "I love you." She whispered and Lizzie smiled. "I love you too,my love"

Y/n left. She didn't want to but she had to.

Two months later

My love
Y/n?! Wtf?!

                                                      My future
                                Love? What's wrong?
                                              Are you okay?
My love
Why didn't you
tell me?!

                                                      My future
                                             Tell you what?
                                     I'm confused love?
My love
You didn't tell me
Your going there
to marry someone else!

                                                     My future
                                No Liz let me explain
My love
I don't want to see you!
I don't want you!
I don't love you!
It's done. We're done!
Don't even try


Y/n broke down. Tears in the bathroom floor. Her heart scattered into small pieces. She wanted to tell Lizzie she was sorry

After months she tried contacting Lizzie but she never replied. She wanted Lizzie to know the truth.

"I don't want to! I don't love him. I want Lizzie! Please.." she sobbed her Father's and Mother's heart broke. "Alright." She was happy. Yet remembering there was no her and Lizzie anymore she was also broken.

She stayed for two years catching up with her parents and siblings. Also her friends

She was home. Where she was supposed to be in Lizzie's arms but instead she was alone.

 Where she was supposed to be in Lizzie's arms but instead she was alone

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Y/n_official✔️: I'm home.
Liked by: Scarlett_Theoutset,Marvel and 475,189 others

Vogue✔️: we missed you!
Scarlett_Theoutset✔️: girls night?
Taylorswift✔️: can't wait for that tour.
LizziexY/n4ever: yess!!
Y/nfanpage: it's your birthday in 2 weeks!!

Y/n felt great. Yet still broken. She missed Lizzie,she really did.

Y/n was walking around while her bag was at her car. She just wanted a small walk when she bumped into a certain someone

"Oh- shit sorry" Y/n looked up and saw her. 'shes still so beautiful' Y/n thought

"Hey..heard your back" Lizzie said and Y/n took a step back "yeh-.." "uhm..where's your husband?...or wife" Lizzie asked and you rolled your eyes scoffing

"heard your married. Congrats" you said and Lizzie was confused. You ignored her question,but when you both were in collage all you could talk about is how you would always rant about your future wife or husband whenever someone brought them up

"Yes,he's sweet and nice" It didn't feel right to Lizzie. It was supposed to be you shes talking about but she can't. Your not hers anymore.

"How 'bout yours? How is he..or you know she??" You chuckled dryly "I'm not married." "What?" "I went there to stop my parents from getting me married with some guy." " didn't you tell me?" Lizzie's heart broke. Knowing she broke your heart. She didn't even let you explain

"I tried to. You didn't let me" she sighed "did you try contacting me?" "Yes! Every fucking day Elizabeth! But you blocked me from every media."

Lizzie felt bad. She lost the love of her life and she knows it. And the worst part is she couldn't even do anything about it,she knows she still loves you but what's on her mind is if you still love her.

But what she doesn't know is. You'll never stop loving her,you never did and you won't,you can't. She's your soulmate wether she loves someone else or not

Deep in mind you know she owns your heart.

You left. She felt broken. But she knew she couldn't feel broken the way you felt.

Oh my god..

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