part 2 Biggest Pain-E.O

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Y/n's pov
It's been a month since i last spoke to Elizabeth. Right now I'm in my way to go speak with Scarlett

I walked out of my car and approached Scarlett's house

I knocked and Colin opened it and greeted me with a sweet smile and let me in "Scarlett is almost ready,do you mind waiting for her?" I nodded and sat down at their couch "How's stuff going?" Colin asked handing me water "thanks.. actually not so great" he nodded still standing up "You know..I saw some articles with Elizabeth and Robbie,it says they're getting married."

My smile faded the thought of her moving on so fast hurt. It's as if we were never even together "are you alright?" Colin asks and i nodded

There was a knock on their door "oh- wait here I'll get that" I nodded and stared at the wall thinking of Lizabeth

Did i mean nothing to her?
She did love Robbie..
I guess I'm just another past living in her life.
Did she even really love me?

I was cut off by a hand on my shoulder "Y/n..somebody's here for you" I stood up and turned around

I saw her.

"I'll give you too some space" Colin left and went upstairs "What?" I asked. But not in a rude way of course. "Hi..uhm how are you?" She asked and sat down next to me "fine." She nodded and scoot over closer

"Y/n.." she held my hand and sighed before she continued "Look..I don't trust many people and i think you'll be have been there for me every time I needed you,so will you be my bridesmaid?".. I was shocked

Me? Her fucking ex?

"Elizabeth-" "I'm not forcing you Y/n.. but please i want us to still be friends because i can't live without you okay? I know it may seem weird with my ex being in my wedding and all..but we're still friends right?" Honestly? I didn't know. I didn't want to be her friend. I wanted her to be mind. Just like how I was always her's and still is

"I can't..I'm so sorry" I said disgarding my arms from hers "will you atleast think about it?" She asked and i sighed. I didn't want to turn her down and be a bad 'friend' "alright.. I'll come" I sighed and she smiled

"Thank you!" She went to kiss my cheeks but I stopped her

"Right-.." she instead hugged me because it'll be weird if she still kisses her ex..

"Thank you so much Y/n!" I nodded and stood up "Where are you going?" Scarlett suddenly spoke behind us "i-..maybe we should just move our talk tomorrow,I'm not feeling really well right now" scarlett nodded and insisted she'll drive me but i refused

"No,it's fine I'm sure i can drive by my own." She nodded and i went out seeing it's already dark.

Lizzie's pov
"Wow..inviting her to your wedding Liz?" I sighed. Was i doing the right thing? I knew it'll just break Y/n more but all i could think about was getting our friendship back

"I don't know what to do anymore Scar..I broke her" I sighed putting my hands to my face "don't blame yourself. People makes mistakes" she said sitting down next to me

"I have a question tho.." she said and i nodded for her to continue "did you turn down Y/n before telling her you fell for Robbie or did you turn down Y/n after she proposed?" I was frozen. She was gonna propose?

"Lizzie? Liz? You alright?" "i-..shit i messed up really and Scarlett.." I could see she was confused "I told Y/n before she even proposed..I didn't know.." Scarlett's eyes went wide "oh.."

"I have to go thanks bye!" I said running to my car and went to go to Y/n's

Y/n's pov
Tears started flowing and my vision went blur as i remember everything. All of our happiness

"Lizzie.." She looked up and saw me "Hi lover! Is there anything you need?" She asked standing up and hugging me "Yes..I need a kiss"

She chuckled "a kiss?" I nodded and she pulled me in for a sweet and passionate kiss "Mhh.." I moaned through the kiss

I whined when she pulled back but instead she suddenly lift me up "Wha- LIZ!!" "Let's go to the bedroom doll."
"Y/n/n! When are you planning to marry me?" Lizzie asked with puppy dog eyes "hmm...soon" she smiled widely "really?" I nodded and she sat on my lap and pecked my lips

"I love you so much!" "I love you too Lizard!"
"Who's that??" Lizzie asked when i started smiling at my phone "nobody love." Lizzie started whining and trying to get my phone "hey! No!"

"Show me! Who's that homewrecker?!" She took my phone and i burst out laughing when she saw my wallpaper "Y/n! Remove that! I look so ugly"

"Nope! I'm keeping it,and your perfect" I chuckled and ran away from her taking my phone.

I punched the wheel and sobbed

The last thing i saw was a truck.

3rd persons pov
Lizzie paced around Y/n's house. "Fuck! Where are you Y/l/n?!" She screamed trying to call Y/n but it kept going on voicemail

"Just come home love.." she whispered

She then received a call by an unknown number "hello?!" "Hi Ma'am. Do you happen to be related to Y/n Y/l/n?" Shivers ran down her spine and started worrying something bad happened to Y/n "yes yes! Where is she? I'm her girlfriend!" "Ma'am please come here to the ***** *** hospital." The call ended and Lizzie started crying "god you better be okay..we still have to fix our relationship"

Once Lizzie got to the hospital she went to the counter "Hi! Where's Y/n Y/l/n?" She asked and the nurse looked around "Uhm she's at room 314 Ma'am. Do you mind telling us what your relationship is with her? And your name?" "Girlfriend, Elizabeth Olsen" The nurse nodded and let Lizzie go to the room

Once she entered she saw a doctor "Doc is she alright?" "Miss Olsen? Yes she's..good,she thankfully made it. It was honestly shocking because she only had a few percentage of surviving,your girl is a very strong woman. Don't let her go" the doctor left leaving space for Lizzie and Y/n

Lizzie sat down next to Y/n and held her arm "you better Fucking explain to me when you wake up" she said kissing Y/n's forehead.

Part three?

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