What's Love?-E.O

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Y/n's pov
"hi! It's nice to have you here" Jimmy Fallon greeted me and allowed me to seat "Hey! Thank you!" I said and waved at the crowd slightly smiling

"So Y/n,we all heard your starring a new movie called 'ghosted' and your starring with Chris Evans right?" I nodded and laughed "Yep,The one and only Capsicle" Jimmy and the crowd laugh and Jimmy continued asking "How are you?" He asked and i looked down and back at him again "G-Great..yeah" "I'm not convinced. How are YOU? after your break with Olsen you haven't been seen in public or anywhere for four months"

I tried to smile "Oh..let's just say I'm not at my greatest right now" I chuckled and Jimmy nodded "What have you been up to lately? Paparazzi spotted you on the street last week with a new girl,how's love life?" I laughed and tried to smile again "Love..What is love? That's the question that's been on my mind Jim..oh and that girl? She's just my best friend don't worry about it" "No history between you two?" He squinted he's eyes making me laugh

"Y-yes..no history or anything just best friends" I said and Jimmy nodded

"Can you cook?" He suddenly asked and all of us laughed "Yes! I cook a lot" "How did you learn?" "My mother..I also learned baking because of her"
"would you mind telling us more about your love life? It's just people are super confused and curios"I nodded and chuckled before starting

"Well..Let's just say Taylor Swift is my recent celebrity crush right now! And Elizabeth Olsen..she's..she's my first relationship and first love,Next before Lizzie i actually had a slight crush on my best friend's brother but he might see this so hi" Jimmy laughed and so did the crowd "that honestly all" I said and he nodded

"Wait-..Taylor Swift?" He asked and i nodded "oh i just have to show you this video!"

A video of Taylor popped on the screen

"Taylor who's your celebrity crush? Or just crush?" "Hmm..she might see this but it's definitely worth for a girl like her. It's Y/n Y/l/n"

I blushed "Are you excited?" Jimmy asked and i looked at him "For what?" "I have a little suprise for you" he handed me a box

I opened it and saw Taylor's albums all of them and a swiftie pajama set "OH MY GOD!" "THANK YOU!" I got up and hugged Jimmy "Wow big swiftie?" I nodded and he chuckled


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