*Part.2 I hate that i love you- W.M

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!not proofread!
I'll warn y'all about the smutty part

Wanda's pov
I hate it. The feeling of Y/n being distance,her going on a date that's not with me but this only fair since I'm going with Vision but i shouldn't feel jealous.. right?

Me and Vision are together and Y/n is just a best friend to me but why do i feel so jealous?
"Wanda? Are you alright?" Vision asked and i took my eyes off Y/n and the spy "y-yes I'm good" I said mixing the pot of soup "I love you too!" I heard Y/n said and water started forming my eyes "I'll go now. The food is finished!" I said running up to my room before taking a glance at Y/n and Nat a tear finally falling when they both kissed. It looked so passionate..

Here's the thing I always suspected
Y/n liked me but i didn't bother since we have been friends for so long "Fuck!" I screamed sobbing at my bed "I hate you!!" I screamed referring to Natasha i sobbed more then the door opened "Wanda! I have good-" I heard Y/n's voice and i stood up wiping my tears away "Are you okay?!" She asked and i nodded "What's t-the good news?" I asked knowing she would say her date with Nat "Natasha asked me on a date!" She said smiling widely "I..that's good" I said and she nodded "Heard you and Vision had a thing right?' she said and i nodded and she sat next to me in my bed

She kept fucking talking about how she loves Nat so much blah blah blah "just stop okay?! I fucking love you!
Okay?! I love you Y/n!" I screamed turning to her "w-what..Wanda" "I-..I know okay? I messed up but Y/n i love you so-" she suddenly cut me off and next thing i know her plump,soft lips are on mine it's so perfect it's like a puzzle finally together "w-wow" I whispered after pulling away "Shit..I'm so sorry i forgot you had a boyfriend-" "shh it's alright..just for now let me apologize for all the times i never talked about your love for me" I said pushing her on the bed for now she's laying down and im hovering her

!smutty part!
After taking off our clothes leaving her in her underwear and me in my bra and underwear i started attacking her neck constantly sucking and biting it "Fuck.." she moaned "W-Wands..please" I look over at her "please what,love?" "Just fuck me" she said "what..like.." I took off her underwear and pushed two fingers in "Like this?" I asked pumping them in and out without giving her time to adjust "Yes! Fuck yes! D-Don't stop!" She said moaning even more "Yes,let everyone know who owns you,not Natasha but me,let them know Mommy's fucking you right now" I husked and she moaned "Y-yes.." I started going faster and she screamed "WANDA!!!!" "F-fuck I'm gonna cum!!!" She said closing her eyes shut "Let go baby" I said and she came all over my fingers her eyes rolling at the back of her head "Oh god.." she mumbled as i help her get through her high and i lowered my face after she recovered "Ready Princess?" I asked and she nodded and i sucked her cum "Oh my god!!" She moaned and i groaned at the taste of her sending shivers at her i sat on her waist "You taste so good my love" I said kissing her so she could taste herself and she moaned in the kiss panting as i pulled away "You want Round 2?"

It's ganna be a longgg night for Wanda and Y/n huh?

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