Part 3 Biggest Pain-E.O

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Y/n's pov
I woke up suddenly feeling dizzy and my vision started to clear up

I looked beside me when i felt a warm presence "L-Liz?.." I whispered and she woke up "y/n? Oh my god are you alright? Let me call a nurse for you" I tried sitting up but she pushed me back softly "No,you need rest Y/n/n." Hearing her say that special nickname meant a lot to me

A nurse entered "Hi,I'm glad your awake now Mrs.Olsen" my eyes went wide. She really thought me and Lizabeth we're married "N-no..sorry no she's not my wife I'm just here for support" Lizzie spoke.

"But your her..girlfriend it says here" The nurse were obviously confused and so was I "Uhm-..Yes I'm her girlfriend!" I spoke up smiling as the nurse nodded "well..the crash was really severe but you managed to survive! Your gonna have to stay here for a few days,visitors are allowed. And you have a few bad injuries but it'll heal soon so don't worry." The nurse reminded us before leaving

"Lizabeth..what are you doing here?" "I got a call saying you were here so i rushed here. How are you feeling?" She checked my body handing my hand "I guess better?..thank you" she smiled at me softly

"So..I need to tell you something" she spoke and i nodded for her to continue"everyday without you feels like hell..I would be lying if i said i didn't love you anymore. I'm sorry i made a turns out i don't love Robbie,I love you" my heart started racing really fast as she said those words "Hey- calm down are you alright?" She asks and i nodded "im just..shocked"

She chuckled "I love you too Lizzie.." she pecked my lips and hugged me real tight "T-too..tight Liz" she pulled away and we giggled "sorry"

"It's fine." "After you get out..can i make it up to you? Maybe a few dates.." She nervously said and i laughed nodding "of course.."

Here's part 3 tho it's really short

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