The One-E.O

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Y/n's pov
Me and Lizzie was playing with snow constantly throwing snows at each other and building snowman's

I shiver in cold but tried to hide it. Damn i knew i should've worn thick clothes. "Y/n? Are you cold?" I shook my head "n-no! I'm fine" I said putting on a smile but Lizzie glared at me "I know you better than you know yourself Y/n,tell me the truth" I sighed "fine. I'm cold" she chuckled and took of her sweater "Hey! No! What are you doing?!" "Here take this. I'll be fine i have thicker clothes than you do"

After arguing for what felt like an hour i gave in "thanks." "Of course! And it looks much more better in-.." I was confused when Lizzie stopped and looked at something

I looked at the direction her eyes where glued to and saw a handsome boy. Of course. I knew him,Robbie Arnett.

"Yes..right" I said my heart slowly breaking. "I should go and ask him his number!" Stupid. I felt really stupid right now,of course Lizzie wouldn't fine me interesting..I'm me. While Robbie? I can't even compare myself to him. "H-Hey Lizzie i think i should probably go." She nodded and i walked home after i gave her the sweater back

It's been weeks since i last hang out with Lizzie ever since 3rd or December. The day she lend me her sweater.

I knocked on Lizzie's door and she opened it "Y/n/n! I missed you so much" I hugged her and entered the house but i saw Robby "Uhm.."

"Oh! Right,I invited Robbie. I just thought maybe it was time for you two to meet!" She said excitedly. Lizzie sat next to Robbie while i sat at the opposite couch of them. I didn't really pay any attention to the movie i just watched Robbie and Lizzie laugh and cuddle to each other. Lizzie kissed Robbie and they both stood up "Y/n,you want to join us? We're gonna play in the snow!" Robbie invited me but i shook my head. He was nice. No wonder Lizzie likes him. My heart broke as i looked through the window and i saw Lizzie give Robbie the same sweater she did with me.
'its just polyester' I tried reminding myself but she likes him better.

I stood up and exit the house "Hey! Lizzie I'm going home" she just gave me a thumbs up and i sighed.

I got to my apartment breaking down in tears. Why would she ever Kiss me?

~At Y/n's trailer~
"Lizzie?! Oh my god! What happened?" Y/n asked the girl Infront of her that had a bleeding finger "huh? Oh i accidentally touched a broken glass." Y/n chuckled at the woman's sillyness and put alcohol on the wound "Oww!!"

"Calm down Liz,don't worry it'll just be really fast." Y/n comforted Lizzie. After wrapping the cut in the bandage Y/n looked over at Lizzie to see her already staring at her. "I-Is there anything in my face?" Y/n asked touching her face "n-no sorry your just beautiful." Lizzie giggled. Y/n blushed at the words and Lizzie suddenly started leaning in "Liz?" "May i?." Y/n nodded and Lizzie pulled Y/n in for a kiss
~ ~
It's been two months since Y/n was last seen outside or even anywhere. Friends,Family and fans were really worried. But Lizzie was just having the time of her life with Robbie.

Y/n was always in her apartment. Skipping meals,not opening her phone. Her manager tried contacting her but failed. There was a knock in her door

Y/n groaned and stood up and opened the door. "T-Taylor?" (Swift) Taylor gasped "Your alive! Oh my god" Taylor pulled Y/n in hug. A tight one

"Whoa of course iam" she chuckled and let Taylor in "do you want something? Water?" Taylor nodded "oh! I'll get it!" Taylor said and opened Y/n's refrigerator "Uh..Y/n? There's nothing in your fridge except ice and a tub of ice cream" y/n went silent and sat on the couch "What?! You did it again?! Let me see your wrist!" Y/n's eyes widened "wha- no! I didn't SH Tay! I just skipped meals sometimes..or everyday." Y/n shrugged and chuckled nervously "You know what? We're going to get you some groceries!"

After Taylor finally got Y/n to change her clothes they went to the supermarket and started shopping.

"I don't want that Tay!" Taylor rolled her eyes and laughed "They have a matcha flavor" Y/n smiled and nodded "Let's get it!" (If you don't like matcha you can just think of a different flavor)

Y/n and Taylor wondered around the shop until Y/n stopped "What is it now?" Y/n just stared at..something and Taylor looked in the way "Oh my-" "shut up." Y/n glared at Taylor and took her hand to go the other direction "hey no! I need to get some butter there!" Y/n shook her head "no! Just get them later" Taylor pulled Y/n and the cart to the direction and soon after Lizzie and Robby noticed them

"Oh- My hey Y/n!" Y/n waves at Lizzie smiling a bit "Your with..Taylor?" Robbie spoke and Taylor giggled "hi!" Lizzie clenched her jaw when she saw both of you holding hands.

"Oh shoot-" Y/n looked at Taylor's direction and saw that she cut her hand on the sharp metal "oh my let me help you Tay" Y/n took out her alcohol from her bag and gently poured it on the wound "it hurts.." Y/n hummed "I know Tay don't worry it's gonna be really fast."
Taylor looked down at Y/n and smiled softly at her.

As Lizzie watched the whole scene she started getting deja Vu "uhm.." she looked beside Robbie who only smiled at her "Don't worry it's all done" Y/n gently kissed the wound and smiled at Taylor "Thank you Y/n"

Y/n looked at Robbie and Lizzie "Hey we're gonna go now" Lizzie nodded and Robbie spoke "Okay! It was nice seeing you guys"

The whole ride to Y/n's apartment was not bad they started conversation and blast to music.

I'm getting bored:/

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