Just pick Me!-W.M

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Wanda's pov
Here i am ranting to my Best friend Y/n about how i couldn't pick between Nat and Vision "I..don't know,I love them both so much.." I sobbed and Y/n just didn't seem like herself today. Usually she would whisper sweet words to me but this time she just let me sob onto her shirt,she didn't even hug me back.

"Y/n/n?" I whispered pulling away from her and looking at her face. That's when i saw tears falling off her eyes "Are you alright?" "No! I've always been here for you Wanda! You know how much i love you and seeing as you keep talking about two people who breaks your heart over and over again hurts! I could treat you better and i know it!" She sobbed and I just sighed. It's true i knew Y/n liked me but i never took it seriously and went to it as a joke. I never thought of what Y/n would feel.

"Just please,give me a chance to give you the love you deserve Wanda" she cried but i just couldn't. It did hurt seeing her like this but she's my best friend "I'm sorry,I can't.." "why?" I didn't reply. She stood up and so did i "where are you going Y/n/n?"

She didn't respond and walked out of my room which i followed her "Wait! Y/n please!" I was Infront of her door "Please?.." "leave me alone Wanda!" She shut the door in my face which left me speechless. Y/n never acted like this before

My heart sank when i heard her sobs at the other side of the door i wanted to hug her. Comfort her like she always did to me. "Wanda? What are you doing outside here?" Vision popped behind me "i-..nothing" I put on a smile and he took my hand and kissed it before kissing me.

I wanted to feel passion. Love. But nothing,it felt like kissing a person you never wanted,but i want Vision.

"Come,let's go to bed"

~three months later~
We were all watching a movie when a phone rang "oh- Sorry I'll get it" The soft voice said and Y/n took out her phone and answered

I couldn't help but listen.
"Hello?" Y/n smiled when the person replied but i didn't hear the person "Yeah..sure...I'm free yes..wait what? Really!?...alright!" The call ended and Y/n had a big smile on her face. I missed that, these past three months she never smiled or laughed at all. And i know it was my fault.

Im single now,I broke up with Vision since i found out i didn't like him,I stopped the thing i had for Nat because she just never felt right. Y/n stood up and my eyes followed where she went

She opened the door to see...Agent Hill?! "Hi!!" Y/n hugged Maria and she hugged back "wow..how can Y/n hug Maria without getting shot?!" Clint complained and everyone laughed except me. I kept looking at them as Maria handed Y/n flowers. "Someone's jealous." Nat whispered but enough for me to hear "I'm not." "Never mentioned a name." I looked at Nat

"You love her Wanda.I know it" I sighed and Y/n came back with Maria,them holding hands,do I? I feel like i still do

"Y/n? May i talk to you?.alone" she nodded and we went to my room "what is it?" She asked and i sighed looking down should i really do this? "I'm..inlove with you" "hm? What?" "Im inlo-" "I heard you the first time Wanda!" She sighed pacing around the room "wha- since when?!" "Since i met you..I guess i just never realized it" "fuck.." she whispered "whats wrong? We could still live the life you always wanted. Have kids,get married,have a house" "Wanda..stop" "why?"

"Because all those things..my dream is about to come true,just not with you" my heart broke. Why? "Why not me!" "Because these past two months Maria was the one to call me and text me to make sure I was alright!.."

"Maria?? Hm? What does she have that i don't?" "She loves me! And is loyal..she cares for me,shes-...just perfect okay? I'm sorry.." of course. Maria. The girl who always had eyes on Y/n.

"Wow...I can't believe it." "You had your chance Wanda..you just didn't take it so Maria did." She left the room and i sobbed

Lesson learned. Always love the right person. Not the wrong one.

Help I'm sobbing.

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