she used to be mine-E.O

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Okay I got this idea from last night when i was about to go to bed. Because Im delulu:)

Elizabeth's pov
"Y/n? May i please speak with you in my office" I asked my assistant who is also courting me. It may be weird for a assistant to court her boss but i decided to give it a chance.

"Yes Ms.Olsen?" She said entering my office "sit" I said pointing at the chair Infront of my desk "okayy!"

She sat down and i sighed "is everything okay?" She chuckled "uhm..I don't know,look Y/n I'm getting..married" her eyes went wide. Gosh i didn't want to know how her heart is just breaking now but i do "W-What?.." I sighed "I didn't want to hurt you okay? Look Y/n your a nice young woman but it's just that your six years younger than me. I'm sorry. I tried so many times to fall for you but i just can't." Tears started flowing from her (y/e/c) eyes "b-but you told me on our seventh date that you love me,was it a lie?.." Y/n asked. But i didn't know what to answer. Was it a lie?.

"I-" "no! Elizabeth tell me please!" She said standing up and went to me and took my hands in hers "please.." I remained silent. I didn't want to see her like this. We grew so much closer the past year it's hard to let go of a friend and assistant

"This won't change anything. Your still gonna be my assistant-" she shook her head "it'll chance everything. Goodbye Elizabeth." A soft gasp left my mouth as she walked away "Y/n! Please!" She turned around "I'm done Elizabeth." I shook my head and this time im the one who went closer to her "Don't say it Y/n! I promise you this won't change it friendship." "you lied. For a year. I quit." Y/n stormed away leaving me shocked. How could she just throw away a friendship like that?.

But it is my fault.

3rd persons pov
It's been a week since Y/n quitted and Elizabeth has had a hard time finding a new assistant. She just couldn't fine somebody like Y/n. Meanwhile Y/n is now working for Scarlett Johansson.

That's right. Scarlett Johansson.

"Y/n? Darling i have a meeting to go to will you mind coming with me?" Scarlett said and Y/n nodded "Yes Ms.Johansson what time?" Scarlett laughed "I told you to call me Scarlett or Scar and the meeting is about to start so let's get going" Y/n nodded and took Scarlett's Bag "oh- Thank you" Y/n nodded "your welcome Ms-..Scarlett" She laughed at the goofiness of the young woman and they headed at the meeting room

"Oh! Scarlett finally I have been waiting for-..." Elizabeth stopped talking when Y/n entered behind Scarlett "Lizzie? Are you alright?."

Elizabeth sighed and turned her attention back to Scarlett "y-yeah.." Scarlett smiled

"Oh and this" Scarlett took Y/n's hand "This is my new assistant. Y/n meet Elizabeth. And Lizzie meet Y/n." Y/n turned to look at Eli and smiled at her "Ms.Olsen nice to meet you" Y/n shook Elizabeth's hand and Shaked it

Elizabeth felt a spark when they both shook hands "same to you." She said "c'mon darling you can sit there next to my sit that has my name" Y/n nodded and sat down "You call her darling?.." Elizabeth said and Scarlett nodded "it's been a week since i had her but.. oh how I'm telling you Eli i have fallen for the girl. She's so sweet" Scarlett said giggling and Elizabeth nodded "oh..okay" Eli felt a bit jealous.  But she had no right.

"Uhm. So Scarlett tell me. Are you and Y/n close?" Scarlett nodded "Y/n is just so charming and nice. She told me once that she had this feeling for a girl but she rejected her! Like can you imagine? Whoever that girl is must be an idiot..I mean look a Y/n she's amazing. Charming,sweet,nice you name it!" Elizabeth laughed and realized Scarlett was right. How could I waste Y/n?  Lizzie thought

"So, here's our project" as Scarlett explained, Elizabeth gazed at Y/n. She looked gorgeous. She wore that beautiful dress fitting her was hard not to fall for someone like her. Y/n glanced at Elizabeth but met her eyes.
Y/n instantly looked away and thought "what the heck was that..?"

Elizabeth slightly smiled, flustered even.

"Eli? Are you listening?.." Scarlett glanced at Elizabeth and Y/n.


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