Not too Late-W.M

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Uhm..this was my dream😶
If it's in this writing it means it's the past or flashbacks:)
"Y/n? Do you mind giving me a bit more time? I'm not ready yet.." Wanda spoke rejecting Y/n and the sweet girl nodded smiling but in the inside she was dying..
"Are you ready yet Wanda? It's been a year now" Wanda sighed and shook her head "no sorry Y/n" Y/n nodded again and left.
Wanda felt bad. But she just wasn't having it.
Y/n sighed and took a seat next to Wanda "I heard..your with a relationship with Vision." Wanda nodded smiling but soon it faded "I'm so- so sorry Y/n" the girl nodded and smiled "it's okay. I'll wait.." and that Y/n left.
"I thought maybe you'd still be waiting for me." Y/n looked beside her and saw Wanda. She took a deep breath before speaking "I was getting tired. I'm sorry but i had to let you go Wanda. You looked so happy and i didn't wanna ruin that" Wanda sighed and nodded "what about me Y/n?.."

Y/n stood up from her bed and sighed "I don't know Wanda. I waited for years but you never ever even showed your love." Wanda knew it was her fault but she couldn't let Y/n go. Not now not ever

"I still love you.." Y/n shook her head keeping her tears to herself "I'm sorry Wanda." Wanda's tears started falling. She didn't even bother to wipe them "I know. I know I'm too late now but atleast give me a chance Y/n.."

"I'm with Nat." Y/n left the room and Wanda broke down "Fuck! How could i be so stupid and let her go?.."

Soon after Y/n and Nat broke up but Wanda already left. "Tony? Where's Wanda?" Tony sighed "she left." Y/n's heart started sinking slowly

She started having a panic attack and Tony and Natasha rushed over to her "Hey! Y/n calm down!" Nat said and Tony got his phone out contacting Wanda

"Wanda Maximoff Speaking."
"Wanda come here in the compound right now."
"Y/n. She's having a panic attack!"
"On my way."

A few seconds later Wanda was in the compound. "Y/n? Hey honey look at me please" y/n didn't look at Wanda which was strange "she's not having a panic attack..she's having flashbacks.." "make it stop then?!" Natasha shouted "don't shout Nat."

Wanda used her powers and made the flashbacks stop "W-Wanda?!" She embraced you and you started calming down.

"Am i still too late?" You shook your head and smile "no. Not too late"


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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