Biggest Pain-E.O

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Lizzie's pov
I feel..guilty,right now I'm here loving Robbie while Y/n is still loving me.

"Liz! Look what i got you" I turned around and saw Y/n in my trailer "hey.." I whispered and she frowned instantly understanding somethings not right "are you alright?" She asked cupping my cheeks "um..yeh,I need to talk to you" she nodded and sat on the couch which i sat down next to her "y/n..remember Robbie?" She nodded tilting her head "i-..there's this thing i feel whenever I'm with him..and i never felt like that,not even with's like sparks whenever I'm with him. I know it's wrong but-" she cut me off

"You fell for him. Didn't you?" I sighed nodding and she blinked slowly trying to keep her tears "But I'll f-fix it! I swear..just give me time I'll avoid him and stop falling for him and only you-" "no." I was confused. No?

"Don't Elizabeth." Shivers ran to my spine when she said my full name. She never did that usually it's just Lizzie,Liz or Lizard even if we fight "don't do that. Don't gaslight yourself into thinking you still love me when you don't. It's actually it's not but if it means breaking my own heart and happiness means your gonna be happy then I'll do it. I want to see you happy. Even if it's not with me but him" gosh i could just hear her lovely,kind heart breaking onto pieces because of me "But Y/n/n-" "no need for that. Remember our promise when we were at collage?.." I nodded

"i promised y-you that I won't call you Y/n/n unless where still together.." then it hit me. "Exactly. Now go get your man Elizabeth. He deserves you and you deserve him it's like you guys are...soulmates" I knew she only said that because she tried to be supportive. But hearing her say he was my soulmate just..hits different.
It's not the same.

"But your my soulmate.." I mumbled and she shook her head "no..I'm not" tears started to instantly fall

"But-" "listen to me! Okay? Your gonna be much more happy if your with him..and you being happy is the only thing i want"

She cupped my face and wiped my tears away and kisses my forehead. One last time "Meeting you was the happiest memory and moment of my life Elizabeth. But letting you go is my biggest pain"

She stood up but i held her wrist before she went away "Let me go.. please" I shook my head "no! I don't want to!" I begged bugging her tightly not wanting to let go of her.

"Elizabeth.." I shook my head but she slightly pushed me away and ran.

I broke down in tears "No! No! Please.." I sobbed the thought of not being with her anymore


Nobody was here
to wipe my tears away
like Y/n would do.

Do i love breakups? Not much. But writing them feel amazing to have something to relate to

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