I'm sorry,my love-E.O

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|y/n,a 29 years old girl falling inlove with a 32 years old (Lizzie) but this woman loves someone else. They end up together leaving y/n..heartbroken|

Lizzie's pov
"y/n/n!! Hi it's been so long!" I said seeing my best friend after three months of her avoiding me saying she's 'busy' "Oh..hey" she said and walked away as if we are strangers what's wrong with her? I thought to myself "Babe,you alright?" My lover asked and i nodded "you know you can tell me anything..right?" He asked and i nodded "o-of course it's just, Y/n she's acting weird.." I said "Don't worry im sure she's just having a bad day" he said trying to comfort me and i nodded and saw Scarlett "uh.. I'll go talk to Scarlett,can you wait in my trailer?" I asked him and he agreed and i went over to Scarlett

She looked at me and i opened my mouth about to say something but she beats me to it "Y/n acting weird? Well good luck because who knows she might lose feelings for you" she said chuckling and i just sigh i knew y/n had a crush on me but i never really minded it since i had a boyfriend but God it stings knowing she really could fall out of love and find someone else that would treat her better and she would realize i was just a small crush and we were just platonic "Lizzie? You alright" Scarlett asked making me out of my thoughts "y-yeah I'm just.." "scared? Well you should be y/n is the besttt lover you could ever have" she said laughing "what?" I look at her "oh- no i was just joking" she said and i nodded "of course you were i could never like y/n,I see her almost as a..sister i think plus i love Zack very much and y/n? She's just a cold dumb girl" I said chuckling not knowing that she was behind me "w-what.." I heard someone whispered causing me and Scarlett to turn around "wait no-" I tried stopping y/n but she ran away tears slipping off her eyes "shit.." I whispered

"Too far Elizabeth!" Scarlett said And i just know i messed up and Scarlett went after y/n and i went back to my trailer..to Zack "Hey babe' he said kissing my cheeks "hi" I said taking out my phone "You okay?" He asked and i just nodded holding back tears "Look uhm i have to go for a important business meeting" he said getting up "but i thought-" "Just stop okay? I'll make it up to you next time" he said leaving i can't believe he forgot out anniversary was today

A few minutes after i was in my door the door flew open "Elizabeth Olsen! What did i just hear that you talked Shit about my niece?!" Robert D said barging in "it was a mistake okay? I didn't mean it" I said shrugging my shoulders "plus she'll be fine soon-" "Fine?! You expect her to be fine after hearing the person she loved talk bad about her! If she never would have found out would you have continued it?!" He said raising his voice "lower your voice down please" I said "you are unbelievable Olsen,how could you?' he said shaking his head
"Just know that y/n won't be there for you anymore when you need her love" he said and i chuckled "Fine! I don't even need her anyways" I said rolling my eyes and he left

Gosh why did you say that Olsen? Of course you need her.

Next morning
I woke up my phone dinging endlessly and i picked up the first call "Hello?" "fuck you! How could you?! Do you know how much she meant to me?!" "whoa calm your pants down Scar whats wrong?' "What's wrong is Y/n is gone!" "W-what?" "Yes she's fucking gone Elizabeth!! She died because of you she was in a car accident doctors said because of the tears she couldn't see the way! That's your fault for breaking her heart Lizzie!" "i-..I didn't know how much it would affect her.." "well for your information Elizabeth you were her first love okay?!" "wait-' "her first love Elizabeth! Yet you decide to break her heart" "I-im sorry" "Your sorry?! Will saying your sorry bring her back huh?!" "N-no" "then why bother huh?!" "I-im sorry Scar-" "Don't 'im sorry' me because you knew how much y/n meant to me and everyone yet you decided to do that and guess what! Guess what Elizabeth! She even left a fucking letter for you" "w-wait she did?" "Yes! Your probably gonna get it in the mail! Now fuck off and don't ever think of showing your face to me ever or i swear I will fucking rip it off no matter how much you meant to y/n" "O-okay im-..okay" "Goodbye Olsen" "bye-"

Gosh i can't believe it i started sobbing and sobbing over and over again until the doorbell rang i stood up from the floor and opened it to see Chris (Evans) "Oh god,I somehow know how much Scarlett ranted to you am i right?" He asked and i nodded and sobbed again and he closed the door and hugged me "Let it all out.." "I-im sorry i never meant to hurt y/n's heart! It's me fault! Now i just lost the one person who actually loved me for who i was and not just for my money and fame-" he cut me off "Shh..just stop okay? For now just let it all out here's the letter" he said pulling away from the hug and gave me the small envelope "i-its so.." "well designed.." I whispered and he nodded in agreement "of course,y/n is and will always be known for her creativity and her talent" he said "I love her-" "it's too late for that now,I'll check up on you tomorrow and I'll also tell the Russo's you need time" he said and i gave him a small thankd before he left and i sat on the couch and i sigh deeply "I broke your heart y/n..and yet you still had the love for me" I said to myself looking up "I love you..wether it's too late or not i will always love you I'm sorry" I said and look down at the letter before opening it


Hey Liz..I'm sorry i had to leave you know ill always love you right? Even if you said all those shitty things about me im sure you didn't mean it..
I always loved how you always had the time to put a smile on my face whenever i was sad or at my lowest,your green eyes are always the reminder of Nature to me and of course Matcha yk i love it sm,and your smile that could light up new York city..i love you..mahal kita Elizabeth but knowing you and i would always be friends can be acceptable so thank you. Thank you for making me happy..truly yours Y/n.

After reading the letter i broke down again it felt like a was sharing her voice while reading it and gosh i just know how sad it would be "I-..I love you too" I whispered.

This is shit:)
I'm sorry but its currently 3:00am and i have school tomorrow love y'all!!

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