Your losing me-W.M

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Y/n's pov
Wanda seemed off this past month. She's been distance,ignores me, doesn't even sleep next to me anymore and she doesn't even cuddles with me anymore. I keep wondering if i did something wrong. Or said something

"Morning." Nat greeted me "hey,have you seen Wanda?" "Yeh,she's in her room why?" "Not much.." I sighed and Nat sat down next to me on the couch "what's wrong?" Nat was my best friend. She knew whenever i was down and had a problem.

"Wanda..she has been distance,did i do something wrong?" Nat sighed and looked down,she knew what was wrong "what is it?" I asked and she looked back at me "Y/n..Wanda she-..oh god.." I was confused. What was something Nat couldn't say?

"Tell me." I warned her sending a glare "alright! Wanda she's..she and Vision they-, stuff together" i chuckled "do what?" "They uhm..they go on dates and they kiss...I saw them fuck.." my heart sank. Wanda's cheating on me?

" it can't be" I whispered tears falling off my eyes and Nat hugged me "I'm sorry you had to find out this way Y/n/n" "but..why? Why!" I sobbed and for an hour Nat kept whispering soft and sweet things to me telling me how I should confess Wanda about it

"No..I have a better plan" she nodded and we both went separate ways. I waited for Wanda,and Nat went on a mission

"Y/n? Your dad told me you wanted to talk to me? Is something wrong baby?' she asked sitting down next to me on the mattress "I don't know long have you and toaster been fucking?" She was taken back. She chuckled "n-no..what?" "How.Long.Have.You.Been.Fucking?" I asked once again "Y/n i can-" "explain? Right..yeah! And tell me how were those dates? Hm?!"

She sighed "gosh Wanda! If you loss feelings for me you could've just told me." I said standing up but she just stayed silent and sat

"You know what? We're done. Pack your things and go back to your that bitch" I said and pulled the engagement ring out of my finger "wait no! Please no!" Wanda begged and stood up but i shoved the ring onto her "Please Y/n..give me another chance!" She sobbed "go away. Your losing me." She cried begging me "i can't lose you! I need you please!" "You don't need me if you have him Wanda."

"Y/n-" "Get out!" She sobbed again and nodded

"I love-" "don't even finish that sentence if it's not true!" She left. I broke down crying and my knees fell down on the cold floor

I plopped down in my bed. For the first time it felt cold. Really cold I startled when J.A.R.V.I.S spoke "Ms Stark,your father calls you down stairs for a meeting" "alright." I stood up wiping the tears away and went downstairs

I entered the meeting room and saw Vision and Wanda laughing

Me and Wanda made contact and she stopped laughing and stayed serious. She really think she can fool me.
I sat down next to Sam "What's so important we had to gather up without Nat,Father?" I asked Tony and he sighed "that's our problem. We can't seem to find Natasha. Her tracker got loss" "Wait what?!" I screamed and Steve calmed me down "Y/n,just wait alright? We can find Romanoff but someone has to track her. Someone smarter than me and Bruce"

Everyone looked at me and i sighed "I'm not smart-" "yes you are. You every smart" Wanda said and i rolled my eyes "fine! For Nat only tho!" I stood up and dad led the way to a room filled with Laptops,devices, armors,etc

"We need you to track Nat down and Me and Steve will go to that location"

I got to one of the computers and typed in some of my hacker codes and searched 'Natasha Romanoff' It came in some results and i finally saw where Nat is. "She's in the Hydra base" I told dad and he nodded

Stay there Nat.

Part 2 soon.

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