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!Senior high school Wanda and Y/n!

Wanda's pov
"I bet Wanda couldn't make anybody inlove with her" Nat laughed and i gasped and scoffed "yes I can" "oh really?" Carol. My two months crush said and i nodded "Fine. I bet you couldn't make Y/n Y/l/n inlove with you in nine months." Y/n? Is she serious right now? "And! If you do I'll go on a date with you" Carol smirked should i do it? I mean iam desperate for that date.

"Fine bet!" Me and Carol shook hands and Nat gave me a nudge "hey!" I screamed at her "Wanda! Your seriously ganna play a Y/l/n's heart?" I nodded and Nat laughed "Your kidding me right?" I didn't reply. She turned serious

"Wanda,play with Y/n's feelings and in the end your the one getting hurt" this time i was the one who laughed "Impossible." "Great. You have two bets now. If you get hurt in the end you owe me twenty bucks" "and if i don't?" "I owe you."

I agreed. I would never fall for a Y/l/n anyway.

Y/n was the quite kid kind. The smart one,the teachers favorite still she had no friends at all and nobody talked to her so i don't see what's wrong with playing with her feelings.

After class i walked out and saw her fixing her books in her locker so i walked up to her "Hey" she looked at me and around her "yes you." "Uh hi.." she whispered. Now i get it she's the kind who doesn't like talking "Do you wanna get coffee? I'll drive us" she was shocked at first but remained her normal rest face

"me? Uh sure.." I could tell she was nervous to the fact i was not only speaking to her also the fact that she has this crush on me. Everyone knows it even the teachers i could tell they disagree with it since Y/n was smart,quite while i was failing and well let's just say i was always the noisy one in class

"Let's go!" I took her bag and pulled her hand with my free hand to my car

I opened the door for her and she thanked me after entering the car so i put our stuff at the back and went to the driver's seat

It was silent so i decided to break it "You know i always see you wherever i am"I chuckled "yeh.." "not talkative are we? That's fine"I looked over at her seeing her all blushing and red "you okay?" I teased and she nodded "Your pretty" she mumbled "thank you darling" she giggled. It was like music in my ears.

I turned on Taylor Swift 'Lover' "Hey! You listen to Taylor?" She asked "sometimes i do,why?" "I love her songs,I think they're really creative especially 'The man' Since many people expect girls to always be on kitchens while all the boys in the world goes to do they're business and run companies but when we do that we're married to a rich man,like that's not nice. Girls can do what guys can" I watched as she kept talking about how it wasn't fair that people expect more of guys than girls

She looked beautiful. What was i doing breaking this girls heart? But it's worth..right?..

~~months later~~
Y/n was amazing. We started dating a few months ago and gosh how I'm so inlove with her. She's perfect she's kind,amazing,smart,funny and beautiful

I love everything about her "Your falling." Nat whispered as i kept looking at Y/n who was writing something listening to the teacher "What? I'm..not" "Wanda..You have to end the bet" I shook my head but she was right. I had to

I tapped Carol's shoulder "end the bet." She chucked "really your backing out? After months? Wanda I've been waiting for Y/n's heart to be broken. I hate her" *you don't even know her?!" I screamed a bit

"Oh please,you wanna end the bet? Then I'll tell her everything" I was shocked. I can't believe Carol would go that far just to break somebody's heart she doesn't even know that well.

"I can't.." I whispered what would happen if i tell Y/n? And what will if i don't?

Many questions went through my mind i didn't even realize that class has ended "Ms Maximoff? Class is over." Mr Banner said and i stood up and followed Nat "Shit what do i do?" "Stop it Wanda. I knew this would come you couldn't just keep your secret if Y/n finds out from Carol it'll be so much worse"

I sigh and Nat left

Should i tell Y/n? Yes,I will later. At our date.

~two hours~
It's been an hour since I've been waiting for Y/n here in the restaurant and she's still not here. I'm getting worried

So i called her "hello?" "Hi! Y/n,where are you love?" "Favorite spot." She ended the call,is she alright?

I went outside her house and saw her looking up the stars "Y/n/n?" I whispered softly and she looked over at me "Wanda. Hi" she stood up and went to me "Are you okay?" I asked and she shook her head "what?" "The bet." Shit. Carol told her?! "'m so sorry i-" "it's okay Wanda,I knew it from the beginning. It hurts yes but i had the opportunity to love you,so k took it" "I'm confused how did.." "I heard your conversation with Carol since it first started"

"I'm sorry I really love you,I do" I tried begging her but she would push me away "please.." I mumbled hugging her sobbing onto her shirt as she played with my hair "you can let me go Wanda. You said it yourself your not inlove with me." She let me go and i tried to hug her again but she pushed me softly "Y/n! Please!" I didn't want to let her go. Letting her go was not an option.

"Please.." i whispered "you couldn't love me the same. So I'll go" she went inside her house leaving me falling to the grass and sobbing,holding my chest

Fuck Carol. Fuck the bet! I just wanna be in Y/n's arms

~days later~
"I'm worried." "It's alright Wands." Y/n hasn't been coming to school lately. It's been days. In a row!

"But she never absents,what if it's something i did or what if she couldn't even look at me-" "Wanda she moved away!" Nat suddenly put her hand on Yelena's mouth "whaaa no she didn't.." Nat tried to convince me but it won't budge

"Yelena! Where is Y/n?!" Yelena pushed Nat's hand away "she has to know" "Fine!" Nat gave in and Yelena started talking

"She moved away two days ago.." "what?! Why did nobody tell me?" "We didn't want you to get hurt.." Nat said shrugging "fuck..where is she now?" Yelena sighed "nobody knows.. except.."

Part two??

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