Part 2 Shifting?-W.M

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This is really weird but:)

Y/n's pov
Today has been the worst i never wanted to go back here or wake up it's the worst "Get up Y/n!" My Father said and i instantly stood up from the hard brick and pillow "Yes Father?" I asked him "Here,now if you want more of that.. thing keep being a good child" he said throwing me a marvel hoodie "Yey! Thank you Father!" I said about to hug him but he pushed me away " hugging.." I whispered and he nodded "Or no kissing and holding us" he said "of course..thank you Father" I said and he left the room and i sigh "Thank God.." I whispered and put the hoodie next to my pillow and the door bursted open "What the hell?!" My sister screamed "Kayla..what-" "Shut up!!" She said and pulled out a bat "n-no please" I begged tears forming in my eyes "Your gonna fucking pay for getting dad's attention" she said and rised the bat and of course i tried shielding myself but the bat hit my stomach causing me to groan in pain "s-s-stop please!" I screamed sobbing "I'm not done yet!" She said and kicked me in the stomach "AHHH!" I started spitting blood everywhere and she was about to hit me in the head when a red figure came Infront of me "WHO ARE YOU?!" Kayla screamed "Get.Away.From.Her!" The figure screamed and Kayla ran out the room and the figure turned around and i swear i was about to scream only if i wasn't in pain right now "W-Wanda?!" I said spitting more blood "oh god sweetie" she said kneeling over to me "What are you d-doing h-here?" I asked "Well-..I sensed you were in danger so i asked one of Tony's friend to open up a portal so i could go to you" "that sweet- FUCK! that hurts wow!" I mumble the last part "Shh I'll get you back to the compound-" "no! Don't i swear I'm just gonna 'ruin the multiverse'" I said teasingly "don't worry your not NOW LETS GO!" she said picking me up "WANDA!" I screamed but she just chuckled and a portal opened and she threw me in and got in.

~~Marvel Universe~~
"Y/n! Oh god!" pepper screamed and went over to me to help me "P-pepper?! Shit where's Wanda?" I asked worried about her "I'm here sweetheart don't worry" she said helping me get up "okay so this is the girl-?" A guy asked with a cape "Hey I'm Y/n,I'm guessing your superman?" I asked him jokingly and everyone laughed "Who's that and no im not him also I'm Strange" he said "Strange name Strange." I said and everyone burst out laughing again "Haha,very funny kid" he said rolling his eyes "wait I'm confused why am i here? And the multiverse is real?" I asked "Your here because your band misses you and yes the multiverse is real" he said and j nodded "but i thought you guys wanted me to leave?" I said turning to Tony "Well- okay one of my biggest mistake" he said rubbing the back of his neck "it's fine i also missed you all" I said

We all hugged. As a team. A group and Family.


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