Mate! Mate!

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Madeline's POV:

I smiled at Bea as she gabbled up chocolate. I was finally able to collect enough food to last us weeks if not a full month. Esme and I worked on our dresses and watched Bea as she devoured her candy. I wanted so badly to eat some, but I couldn't. There was only enough for two and seeing the look alone Esme and Bea's face when they ate the chocolate was worth it. I remember Esme screaming at how delicious it was. She made me laugh so hard that I choked on my water. I was in shock.

Tomorrow is the Mate Ball. We have been preparing our dresses for weeks and it's finally ready. Esme's dress is a light pink. There is a bow in the back and she is wearing slides, since you can't see her feet from the ball dress being so long.
My dress is red. A deep, dark red that Bea chose out. She said I looked like a queen and I told her that I am actually a king in disguise making her laugh.

"Lovely, breast." Esme poked my breast and I laughed. I knew I finally looked beautiful, and I definitely loved how my breast sat high on my chest.

I a Royal.

I turned to Esme and she wore the biggest smile while twirling in her pink ball gown. I spun in mine before squatting and grabbing Bea's hands. Bea was in a dark blue ball dress and her hair was in the cutest bun with curls hanging in her face. A fake diamond clip rested in her hair as well as other jewelry that rested upon her skin.

We all spun and acted like princess before saying a prayer to the gods. We prayed that everything would go well and we could get through this with no mates and no changes. We prayed to be blessed.

We would have fun until it's time for us to be claimed, if we are mated.

A carriage came for us and we loaded up. It held a beautiful white horse and the coachmen wore white suits. They had a white whip in their hands to command the horses to go. Esme and I cuddled up with Bea as she played with the spring book.

A spring book is a book that has springs to make the picture come to life. When you open a page they would spring up and Bea laughs and jumps in surprise every time. She struggles to read, so this is easier for her with the little words on it.

I watched her the entire time. I couldn't lie and say I wasn't nervous or scared, because to be honest ... I was horrified.
I couldn't stop shaking. Esme threw up before we got into the carriage so I knew she was frightened as well. She couldn't even look me in the eyes to tell me that she was fine. She played with her painted nails and repeated comforting words her mother would always say to her. I remembered a few and copied her.

It took five hours to get to our destination and Bea had to use the latrine, so I was rushing. When Bea tells you that she has to tinkle then that gives you precisely five minutes to find a latrine before she lets it flow down her legs and onto the ground. I never mind when she is in a dress outside, but when she is in a onesie in my bed it is harder.

There is a small latrine behind a curtain that we use for the washroom and sometimes it takes a while to work, so we wait. She says she can wait, but she soils on herself every time.

When we got to the castle the coachmen opened the doors for us and helped us out. I blushed at their kindness and they didn't hesitate to wish us luck.
I read their branding and seen they were Fae. That's when I hurried off, you can't be seen with Fae at the ball for mates. Fae and wolves hate each other, it's basically a threat to the wolves if you're seen with either one.

"Oh my!" I gasped at the huge castle before me.

It was dark yet the lights were brightening the whole castle. People in elegant gowns went up the steps to the castle as men stood guard by the doors. Bea laughed and put her book in Esme's bag.

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