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Madeline's POV:

"Yesss! I'm home!" I screamed and rolled in the grass. Bea and Amara laughed making them roll in the grass as well. I stood and spun around while my shirtless mate (who chose to run the rest of the way when we were an hour out) got the bags. I watched him walk to the castle then sped off faster than I could blink.
I could have cried because I just missed that sexy body doing hard work.

Dang, he's changing me. I'm never like this, I would never willing be like this, he's making me like this. Since I've been bitten and we've gotten closer, I've been off the rails with being bold around him. We ended up staying three weeks at the castle. He needed to get extra work done while Leon and Nikolas came back to the castle to watch over it.

He looked as if he was regretting it everyday, but my massages and kisses made his mind go back to me. His wolf was always being a kid when he would shift. He would lick me and rub against me to play.

I love his wolf, and him. We've been better and I forgave him officially a week ago. He planned the day of my Luna ceremony and the acceptance ceremony for Bea and Esme. Though, Esme is fully mated to Leander I still told them I wanted it to be official.

Queen's orders.

My tattoo is halfway gone. I told Sin that I wanted another one to replace it and he promised he would get it redone for me, but a sun and moon tattoo instead.

That reminds me.

The ring, I wanted to give it to Sin the night of my Luna ceremony, which is basically a wedding to me. I'm nervous, of course, but I told him I wanted us to have rings because that's what humans and some fae do.

I grew up human, I've been human my entire life. I still want that part of me.

I now have magical powers and I'm now a new creature. It's weird, but exciting. I'm scared that I will curse the wrong person, but Sin has a bracelet for me to put on. He was having it made while we were away. He has been making sure I didn't touch people for too long. The only person I am really able to touch is him, because he's strong and absorbs energy from magic.

He's a powerful, weird Fae like his mother.

I went to the castle and went to find Leon and Nikolas around the castle, I opened Leon's door to bust in like he does me. I froze as they were making out on the bed and I didn't have a chance to scream. I was in so much shock that it didn't occur to me that I was standing with his door and my mouth wide open.

A fly could have peed in my mouth and flew back out perfectly safe, I was still standing in shock.

They're mates?! Why didn't they tell me?!

I'm definitely jumping on them like they did me and Sin that one time at the castle.

I smirked at the idea and carefully closed the door. I tip toed to them, so much for super hearing.

I screamed and I jumped on them and they screamed. I laughed hard and clutched my stomach, I was kicked and I fell out of bed.

Which hurt!

"You're mates! Since when?!" I asked and placed my hands on my hip with a bright smile. Leon calmed down when he realized it was me, and Nikolas picked me up bridal styles and sat with me on his lap.
"You can not tell anyone, understand?" Nik said and Leon came to sit with a box filled with chocolate.

I wasn't going to anyways, but hey! Might as well get my wants in place.

"There was a dress in a shop-

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