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Madeline's POV:

"Are you copying me, little moon?" He asked and I placed my fork down on the plate.

I can't believe he caught me! I wasn't thinking about him realizing, I was trying to learn how to do it right. He's a royal, so he understand table manners and how to eat food like you are supposed to. Getting caught is very embarrassing, because he now expects me to tell him the truth when I really want to lie my way out of this.
I fiddled with the skirt of my dress while nodding yes to his question.
He looked amused and he wore a smirk on his face with his eyes having red around the irises.

"Why?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I-I have never had this much food before, I don't know how t-to eat it right like you do. I am sorry." I mumbled and looked at my plate. I felt him staring at me for a few seconds before he grabbed his fork and started eating the mashed potatoes. I grabbed mine and did the same. He dropped his fork and I thought he was about to yell at me for copying him again, but instead and helped me hold the fork, correctly.

"It's easier this way." He whispered and I nodded and thanked him. We started eating again and when I finished I felt full for the first time. I could cry at how full I was and how full I felt. It's amazing.
"So, mate, what kingdom are you from? I can only assume that you didn't come from much." He said and I nodded.

"I come from King Kazimir's kingdom." I whispered and he got a look on his face of something before it went back to normal. His irises were trying to turn back red, but he wasn't allowing it.

"One of the poorest kingdoms." He said and I nodded.

"Y-yes, but I survived- we survived. Esme has been my best friend since the age of four. When I was thirteen I saw a witch about to toss Bea in the river, so I took Bea and kicked the witch in the river instead. I was beat for it, but I'll do it again in a heartbeat." I said with no emotions because that's my life.

I have had a hard life. I have been unloved, unwanted, called names, and abused my entire life. At times I believed that was all I was brought here for. To be someone's punching bag for whenever they are angry at the world.
Mostly my parents. I'm sure there are reasons to why I am here, but now it's probably to be Sin's punching bag. I'm not hurt or sad at the thought, it's always has been my life. It's not like it's going to change now.

Alcinder seems like he is full of anger and he needed a relief. Maybe I can be that for him, a punching bag. His hits might hurt a little more, but I've made it this far and not died, maybe I can still fight through it.

I just worry for Bea. I never want her to go through what I have been through. I want her to grow up with fun and excitement, I never want her hurt of abused. I want her to have food and friends, not just one. I want her to have many.

I would do anything for her to have that.

"S-Sin?" I said and I looked up at him. He was staring at me. He nodded for me to continue.
"I-I know you don't want me and I understand it's hard f-for your wolf to" I paused as he growled at that word.
"But if you keep me I...I will never be a problem for you. I will stay in a room or the dungeon, or wherever you want if you just never hurt Bea. Sh-she has had a hard life and I-I would do anything for her. If you're mad hit me, hurt me, but n-never Bea, I'll take all punishment or beating. I'm used to it. I-I will be thankful I will never be disrespectful, I will listen to you and-

"Stop." He demanded and his eyes went full crimson. I whimpered back and he growled. I bit my tongue and watched his anger coat his face. His fist were balled up tight and when he slammed his fist into the counter and I jumped up and cried more. He was scaring me. He stood and hurried over making me scream out and flinch.

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