Im cursed

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Madeline's POV:

When I sat down a servant came and delivered me a plate with French toast, eggs, sausage, and fruit. I smiled at it and looked at Esme and Bea looking at the food like they have just seen a god in person. I laughed to myself and Adonia laughed aloud at Bea's excitement for the food. She hurried to grabbed her fork and tried to eat with it with the help of Esme. I looked at my plate and waited for them both to eat first so I know they are eating at least.

Back at King Kazimir's kingdom, I would eat first if I think it's bad. I wanted to see what would happen to me first.

I always gave them my food wherever they were hungry, I had to. I would never eat my food until they ate all of theirs. I would only take a bite, if they were still very hungry I would let them eat it, we took care of each other. They are my life, my family.

I grabbed my fork like how Sin grabbed his and he watched my fork. I fixed it with my other hand to be like his, and I caught Esme and Bea watching me and Leander to fix the forks themselves. I showed them and they smiled when they got it.

"Alright, I want to introduce you all to everyone here." Adonia said and I put my fork down making Sin drop his too. It was interesting watching that and I almost laughed.

"These two girls are Lady Elina and Panorea, they are only visiting us." She said and I waved when they did.

Elina is beautiful. She had gorgeous blue eyes and blond hair. She wore a white dress and pearls were around her neck and wrist. She looked to be in her early twenties, but if she is supernatural then I don't really know.
Panorea is beautiful as well! Long, strait black, raven hair. She had a plait in her head with flowers. Her eyes were hazel. She looks to be in her early twenties as well. She looked older than Elina though.

"This is Nikolas, Leon, and Ambrose." She introduce and I looked at the men.

Nikolas was attractive. Like really attractive. He looked young and he looked similar to Sin, I bet they are brothers. His eyes were brown and he had a sharp jawline. He looked serious, but also sweet.
Leon had a smirk on his face. He was cute. He was buff and carried tattoos along his body as he was shirtless. He had green eyes and dark hair.
He was young I could tell.
Ambrose looked a little strict. He had dark blue eyes and wore a serious expression. He didn't wear a shirt and he was full of muscle. He studied me making me look away.

"Then these two little ones are Vanessa and Amarayllis." She introduced.

Vanessa looked to be around six. She had long curly, blond hair and blue eyes. She was very adorable.
Amara looks five or six. She has gray eyes and brown, curly hair.

"N-nice to meet you all." I said and Esme said the same. The smiled and said it back.
I started back eating like Sin.

"Anyways, the dragon chick grabbed my tie and dragged me straight into the washroom before getting o-

"There are children present." Stefanos said to Leon. Leon rolled his eyes.

"They have to learn about it some day-

"Well, today isn't that day. Shut up." Leander said and Elina agreed.

"Fine, Sin, how does it feel to find your mate?" Leon asked and Sin froze with his fork in the eggs as mine was. Sin looked at my fork before going back to eating.

"How did it feel to find yours?" Sin asked him instead and Leon slid down in his chair and folded his arms.
"I didn't." He mumbled and Sin nodded while everyone laughed.

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