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Madeline's POV:

I walked to the castle with Sin by my side. I was freezing and was so close to dying from hypothermia. When we got home Sin ran us a warm bath and helped me take off my clothes. I was a shivering mess as he put me in the tub, I was waiting for him to get in, but he just stripped and grabbed a sponge to wash me instead.
I grabbed his wrist to stop him, I wanted to have an argument on why he needs to bathe with me, but he ignored me and went back to washing me up.

"If you keep ignoring me I will be mad." I said and he washed my breast with the loofah. He stared at them and I waited for him to answer me or consider my words, but he kept ignoring me.
"Fine." I whispered and moved his hand. His eyes went to mine and turned red.

"I will bathe later-

"No! You don't get to act funny to me then try to start a conversation after I don't allow you to wash me." I said and took the sponge from him. He glared at me and I glared back. His hands went through his hair and wet it from the bath water. But it was damp from the pool already.

I stared at him and he seemed to be thinking.

"Umm...I wanted to ask you something." I said with seriousness and a little hesitation. He looked up at me while scratching his chin.

"Is it bad-


"Then what's your question, little moon?" He asked and I fiddled with my hands underneath the bath water. I know I could never hide my nerves from him, because I can feel him through the bond, but I wanted to at least keep some privacy.

"So...L-Leon and I were talking the other day about heat and-

"Why the hell are you talking to another man about heat?! I am your mate?" He instantly got mad, but I knew it was a very private and sensitive topic for most wolves. Sin and I are mated which made him angry that I'll talk to another man about something sexual and sacred to their kind, I understand, but he didn't tell me about it because he has been so busy.

"He wants a child with N-...I mean, do you want children?!" I corrected and covered my mouth as I almost told him that Nik and Leon were mates.

Oh, I'm going to cry, I didn't mean it! It slipped out-

"I know they are mates, little moon, I've known since they've known. They can't hide anything from their alpha." He said and a breath of relief flooded through me. I looked at him and his face held some hesitation.

"Do I want children?" He asked.

"W-well, not now obviously, but like in the future. I was thinking of that and I just wondered if you would want that." I said and shrugged like it meant nothing to me, but it did. I know most wolves want kids, but Sin isn't most wolves.

Sin thought for a second then tapped his fingers on the side of the tub.

"Do you-

"No, I asked you first." I said and he looked at the bath water.

His head shook no and my face fell. I immediately blocked my emotions from him without him noticing.

He doesn't want children?! We've made it this far and he now tells me he doesn't want children with me?! I thought about this for a while, I wanted children. More than one, but he doesn't. We are immortal, so we will always be here but with no children.

I always imagined myself a mother. Raising all of them with Bea, it has become a dream of mine. I wanted this...he didn't.

"I don't want children or a child. Never have and I don't think I ever will, I've been alive for awhile and never liked children-

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