Welcome to the castle!

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Madeline's POV:

I was shook awake by someone and I put up a fight. I had the best sleep of my life and someone dared to wake me up from it, it made me want to cry. I slept wonderful and hearing Sin's heartbeat reminded me of life.

It felt like...home or something. I don't really know.

I hit the person who shook me and then we started hitting each other back. Their hits were light, but annoying so we kept hitting. The person let out a deep laugh and I heard some snickers from people. I groaned in annoyance.

As I started to really awake those familiar shivers filled me and I froze my hand as I went to hit.

Please, do not tell me I was hitting Sin!

I hurried to sit up and came face to face with Sin. He was laughing and Bea was as well as they stood outside the carriage. Esme waved at me and I frowned.

"I'm sorry." I apologized to Sin. He shrugged and grabbed my hand. He helped me out of the carriage. Guards surrounded us and I realized the villagers were in their knees with their heads down.

This was King Kazimir's castle, but they are bowing more from fear of Sin. I looked around and saw familiar people even with their heads casted down.

"They can't see you, you can get your stuff." He said and I nodded. He held my hand and I seen King Kazimir bowing, but he was angry, I sensed it. "Wait." He whispered. I looked at him.
"You're going to hate it, but I need to hide your scent." He said and I frowned.

"Do not lick my hair, I draw the line there." I pointed and he laughed. I closed my eyes and cringed at the lick on my cheek. He rubbed his face against mine and I didn't find this weird, surprisingly I liked how close we were. Chills filled me and he hugged my body to him.
Another cloak besides my own was given to me and it smelled of Sin. I immediately loved it and clung to it. It was big on me, but I hugged it to my body. Sin put the hood over my head and pulled away.

"She smells of you. If I had my eyes close I would think she was you." Ambrose said when he sniffed me. I smiled and Sin grabbed my hand.

We went through the villages and I seen his face cringe at how bad it was. I brought him to my mother's house and I hesitated because some people were locked in their homes on his order. I reached and opened the door that was unlocked. I walked in and Sin waited outside while Esme walked with me. We found my mother on her knees with her head bowed.

"M-mom." I said and she finally calmed her tensing. She laughed a little and looked up at me.
"Oh, it's you." She rolled her eyes and stood up. She was weak, you could tell she hasn't ate in a while. I bit my lip and grabbed Esme's bag making Esme shake her head no. I frowned and she sighed while giving up.
"Why are you here, curse?" My mother asked.

I grabbed an apple and held it for my mom.

"Here, you could get stronger-

"I don't want anything from you!" She yelled and slapped my hand making the apple drop. I looked down with my heart pounding out of my chest. I pinched my hand while my anxiety was growing.
"Where have you been? You know they were looking for you, you were supposed to be put on trial for missing work at the castle. That is a very big thing." She laughed. I gulped and Esme grabbed my hand.

"I-I just w-wanted to ...umm, say hi, but I'll be-

"Still can't speak a complete sentence, huh? It sounds as though you have a bloody stuttering problem." She was already annoyed with me. I shook my head at her and she laughed. She came to snatch my chin. I winced and tears fell from my eyes.
"Get out and don't come back. Bloody disgrace." She shoved me. I hit the wall and when Esme shoved her she fell. I gasped and hurried to help her up.

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