King Ramon

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Madeline's POV:

Hearing today's news I found out that King Sin has been rage killing, which is something he hasn't done in ten years. I remember everyone hiding in their homes until his anger was over. It took two weeks for it to stop.
They even sounded the alarms here to tell everyone to stay in the kingdom walls and in their houses. Everyone was frightened, the kids were even more afraid.
When I woke up this morning on my fourth day here they let everyone know that Sin was on his way. Of course, for me, but I am still mad at him.

He said the words that people have been saying to me my whole life. He promised that I meant more to him than most things and people, yet he called me his personal curse.

No one can ever be satisfied with me, they always want more. If I'm not enough they blame me for that. I am beat because of it.

Sin killed people. That's not what scares me, what scares me is he will be punished for it. He killed innocent people and now he has to be punished. I know last time it was public that he was weakened by magic and they tried their best to whip him, but people say he just looked bored and wanted to leave. He didn't flinch once.

I still don't like that, though. I'm mad at him, but that doesn't mean that I want him beaten.

I stayed in the house like they told us until a guard came to get me and my father. I was from Sin's kingdom so they are letting him check. My father held his wife's hand and she looked like she hated it. He treats her really bad.

I looked around and seen other people out of their houses on their knees. They stared at the street as carriages came down the path.

Sin's carriages. Queen Darina was waiting with guards by her side. She was beautiful and brave, yet she looks scared. Her long curly hair fell at her breast. She wore a red gown and her corset was so tight it hugged her waist till you could see every curve of her breast. She had diamonds on her to show wealth.

She was trying to impress him.

The carriage doors opened and Sin got out of the carriage looking very handsome. He had on fancy king attire, all black. His eyes were red.

He looked at the queen and they shook hands, I rolled my eyes and thought about sneezing to draw his attention away from her, but that's stupid. I want him to attempt to find me even with all of these scents lingering around.
He kissed the back of the queen's hand and she bowed a little. They talked for a little bit of time and Leander and Esme got out of the carriage. She held Leander's hand tight.

I still don't like him.

I watched them greet the king while Sin finally caught a scent. His eyes immediately went to mines and I smirked. I waved and he growled with red eyes and stormed to me. Everyone panicked thinking it's because I wasn't bowing my head like they were.

I wasn't scared for myself like everyone else was. They looked like they had seen a ghost as they seen him hurry to me. I was just trying to not smile because I was so ready to return home.

"I-I'm sorry, sir she's-

"Shut up!" Sin yelled and people jumped. My father was nervous for me since it looked like I was disrespecting the king.

"Four days, that's pathetic." I whispered and pulled myself up. He stared down at me.

"Oh, and I hope you had fun with your murders because when I-

He kissed me and everyone was silent. I tried not to enjoy it, but when the sparks ignited within me I reached to grab his hair. I hungrily kissed him back as he did me.
He kissed me like it had been six hundred years or something, but I wasn't complaining.

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