You are just a curse-

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Madeline's POV:

"I don't want to talk, Alcinder." I said and he sighed. He grabbed my hand and I tried to pull it away but he didn't let me. I huffed.

"You heard what Leon said, I told her no-

"She was touching on your arm and you knew I was watching-

"No! No I didnt- not that I-I was hiding it or anything- she's just friendly." He said and stuttered which is something I have never heard him do. He is always so confident in the way he talks and he doesn't think before speaking most times. It normally comes to him immediately so hearing him stuttering was weird.

"Did you...fornicate with her before?" I said in a more appropriate way, because I don't like the s word. It's harsh and just out there.

Sin hesitated to answer meaning he either was thinking of lying or not telling me. Meaning he did and he doesn't want to tell me.

"S-so we are mates and you claim y-you want me, but you have another female rubbing and touching on you. You stare at her body as you do mine-

"No! No, I-...Madeline, you're my mate I was just complementing her on her body." He said and I nodded with a scoff. I turned and looked at Ambrose who was naked and acting like he wasn't listening to us argue. Leon and Nik were standing and watching us with no morals.

I walked to Leon and looked directly at his abs as he was naked.

"Wow, great abs-

"Stop it!" Sin shoved Leon and grabbed my arm to yank me towards him. I shoved his hand away and laughed.
"Oh, so you can do it but I can't. I was just complimenting him on his body." I mimicked how he talked.

I didn't care that I used to be scared of him, but now I'm not. He has grown on me so now he gets to listen to me.

"I...I didn't realize it would affect you-

"Are you kidding me right now?! Alcinder, I Watched you basically flirt with another female! You complimented her body and she told you to sleep with her while you let her touch you. If I did that you would yell at me way more than I am doing right now. You fought Ambrose for just reading with me last month." I told him and he covered his face with his hands.

He doesn't understand. He wants to control and tell me what to do, but he can't respect me as his mate. We have kissed and bathed naked together, I am sure he doesn't have to go to another female for attention, so why would he?

He was speechless.

"Nikolas, take me back to the castle." I demanded and lifted my gown to walk over to him. He bowed and shifted into his beautiful wolf. I got on him while he looked at Sin. Sin nodded and Nikolas took off towards the castle.
I told him to slow down because I couldn't think while he was running.

"Your not...not nice. Or he sucks, yes he sucks." I said and he scoffed a laugh. He lowered himself and I got off. We walked through the forest and I did see wolves take off through the forest meaning Leon and everyone else ran back.

Nik shifted and I gave him his shorts. He smiled at me.
We were still far away from the castle, but I wanted to walk.

"So, Sin told me you drowned him before." I said and he laughed. He put his arm over my shoulders and walked.
"Yeah, he took my bloody human head away from me. I killed his favorite maid and tried to eat her." He said and I laughed.

"Wait, so are you a tribrid too?" I asked and he shook his head no.

"The curse only went on the first born. I'm just a hybrid...I love eating burgers. I don't like blood that much." He said and I laughed. I held my wrist up to his mouth and he faked a bite before cringing. I laughed and we continued our walk.
"You're not so bad." Nik said.

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