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Freen POV

I'm Freen Sarocha and I live with my uncle,my parents divorced and they both left me but my uncle took care of me and still does

We don't have so much money, he's a janitor and he's already in his 50's

He's my dad's older brother

This highschool is only for wealthy kids but I am here because of my scholarship and because my uncle is working here

I work part-time as a waiter at a coffee shop to help my uncle

We are poor but we are happy

But my life isn't perfect....

At least the school one isn't...

I'm being bullied by the Ice Queen and the daughter of the highschool owner

Becky Armstrong

The Ice Queen, practically owns the school,the head cheerleader and the girlfriend of one football player,Nop

Becky with her friends always pick me

Becky,Heidi,Yuri and Amanda

I have just two friends, Heng the captain of the football team

If you're asking how I am friends with him,we know each other since we were little

We're childhood friends

He's gay and he's dating Jao, he's also my friend, the captain of the basketball team

Both are captain's in a sport,they fit each other right?

So,I am bisexual but just Heng and Jao knows

If Becky would know... I'Il be dead

But the stupid thing is that I have a crush on her

Since freshman year, currently we're seniors

Even though she's been bulling me I still have a crush on her

Heng and Jao said that I'm crazy

When highschool ends I won't see her anymore so I think that will be the end of my highschool crush over my bully


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