Chapter 16

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Becky POV

We made our coffe and sat on the couch

I snuggled closer to my baby

Freen: Let's talk, shall we?

Becky:Yeah...I don't really like the idea to put her in an orphanage

Freen:Me either but what are we going to do?Should we find a family for her?

Becky:It would be hard for her to get used to it,I don't know

Freen: It's messed can someone abandon their own child at such a young age,I think she isn't even at kindergarten

Becky:Yeah,how could she lived till now.She doesn't even remember when they throwed her out

Freen:That means she was way younger than now

Becky:Baby....what if....we adopt her?

Freen:Are you serious?Babe,you mean it?

Becky:I feel sad for her baby and last night I felt like I was having dinner with my own family

Freen:I felt that way was so cute when I cutted little slices for her

Becky:Do you think we're ready?To have a child?

Freen:Babe,even if we aren't ready we will make it.I am 100 percent sure if you want this too

Becky:Then let's adopt her baby... let's show her what is the meaning of having a family

Freen: We may love her with all our heart,we need to raise her good and show her how is to be loved

Becky:Do you think she woke up?

Freen:I don't know,shall we see?

I nod and got up with my baby and went into the guest room

We opened the door slowly and Layla was already awake

She was looking around the room with wide eyes

Becky: Good morning sweetie

Layla saw us and she gave us a warm smile

Layla:Hi Becky and Freen

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