Chapter 6

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Freen POV

Now we have a day off cause it's weekend

We will have dinner with Becky's parents and Pa and also a sleepover in Becky's old room

We left and arrived after twenty minutes at  Becky's parents house

On our way we also took Pa,he,mom and dad get along quite well since the first day that they meet

Faire:My daughters,welcome home

Faire greeted us, hugging us with her mother strength

Faire also greeted Pa and hugged him then leaded us into the dinning room

Steph:Hello there girls,hi Mr.Chankimha

Pa:Hey Steph

We sat down and we began eating,me and Becky practically devouring the food

Steph:Love,I think our daughters need more food

Faire: They love my food don't they?

Pa:It reminds me of....

Freen: Don't

I know what he was thinking about.Before my mother left,she would always make me this type of food but mom makes it more better

Pa sighted and patted my back, Becky gently squeezing my thigh

Steph:So girls,how are thing at the restaurant?

Faire:Yeah,how it is to be CEO?

Becky:Well,we have a project with a new partner for two weeks.It's Wensen Restaurant,you know... it's in top 3

Freen:We had yesterday a dinner with Mrs.Wensen and made some agreements and now were good.On Monday we will start the project

Steph: That's good to hear dear.What about the family company Bec?What do you think about it now?

Becky:I actually wanted to talk with you about it....I don't know how I will manage it bearing in mind that now I also have a chain of restaurants in all Asia.I don't know if I'm ready for that type of work Dad

Steph:Bec,I have time till I die,maybe then you will be more motivated to keep it.You know,after I die you can do whatever you want.If you will continue it,you can give it to your child when they grown up or you can sell it.You will have money for all this lifetime anyway

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