Chapter 6

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Steph(Becky's dad) POV:

After Freen and my daughter left,I went right away to find informations about Freen's parents and their past

I accessed all my employees and asked for them to search every single thing about them,from birth to this moment.I also kept searching without sleeping, with the determination to help my precious daughter and Freen who also became a part of the family

I didn't even realized it was already morning before my wife came and brought me a cup of coffee.When I checked the time,it was 8am so I probably kept searching all night

This things are eating me alive,why are my girls going through so much challenges one after another?They did nothing wrong but to love eachother and mind their business but people keep coming in their way

But I know my Rebecca is anyway very determined as much as I am to find the truth after seeing Freen in this kind of pain

Freen always tries to stay strong but after her Uncle death I saw the true vulnerability behind her strong façade...I remember when she came crying in my arms, seeking comfort from a parental figure like a little child

I became very protective over her too,as much as I am of Rebecca.But Freen truly doesn't deserve everything that happens now,the girl really needs some peace to calm herself and her mind

My thoughts were interrupted as my wife touched my shoulder and smiled softly at me with those green eyes I fall in love over and over again

Faire:You worked all night, didn't you?

She asked as she looked straight into my eyes,and judging by the black marks under my eyes,she already had her answer

But I wasn't capable to lie to her anyway

Steph:Sorry honey,I didn't.I'm very focused to find the necessary informations

Faire: It's okay honey but don't neglect yourself, Rebecca would get mad but also guilty for keeping you awake with her problems

Steph:I guess you're right...but at least I found a few things

Faire: What are those,honey?

Faire sat down on my lap sideways and looked down at my laptop which showed the informations I collected till now by myself

Faire:Her mother really did came in the country every year before Freen's birthday

Steph:She did...but why she would hide into a costume and not going as her mother normally

Faire:And about her father,he became a powerful man in Austria but he got broke after a unsuccessful business partnership?Do you think her father and mother kept talking after leaving Freen behind?

Steph: That's all I found till now sadly,but I'm keeping searching and also do my employees.Once I gather all the informations,I will inform Rebecca and Freen right away

Faire:How unfair this world is...poor Freen

Faire sighed and leaned back into my embrace as I rested my chin on her shoulder.I looked down at the files with another informations and rubbed my nose bridge frustated from the lack of sources

Faire took my hand and kissed my knuckles before she nuzzled into my neck.God,I am so in love with my wife as we grew older and our marriage bigger

Faire:We will find out...and make sure our girls are safe and happy.We need time and patience to find what we need,to get Freen out of this painful situation and to calm our daughter's nerves

Steph:I am so worried about them...we have to protect them at all cost.They're our precious girls

Faire:And we are protecting and will keep protecting them

Faire kissed my cheek and rubbed the other one with the thumb in a soothing motion.I leaned into her touch and gazed again in the eyes of the only woman I will be in love with till I die

Faire gazed back into my eyes,as we continue to hold eachother tightly

As we were lost in eachother's presence,we heard my phone ringing from the edge of the desk

I pulled back from Faire gently and picked up my phone,the id number being of one of my employees

I looked at Faire which had the same curious and confused expression as I do

Maybe they found something about Freen's parents past or any informations that can help us go further

I answered the phone and brought it to my ear,as I listen to the other line

Steph:You found anything?

I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows in nervousness,but my face fell once I heard what informations my employees gathered

Steph:Alright,this is very helpful to me right now.Keep searching and anything you find,send me the files or articles

I ended the call and put my phone down on the desk,before looking back up at Faire which had a confused yet curious expression on her face

Faire:What happened,honey?

Steph:Call Freen and Rebecca,this is serious.Tell them to come as fast as they can here and bring Layla here also

Faire nodded and rushed out of my office to bring her phone and call Freen and Becky as fast as she can

I didn't expected that at all....

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