Chapter 4

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Becky POV

Freen's parents left the office and i locked the door behind them.I turned to look at Freen that was on the edge of crying and this broke my heart, seeing my lover in so much pain

i sighed and walked over to her as i took her in a big bear hug,with her face burried in my chest

She hugged me tighter and began crying,my chest muffling her sobs.I will never understand her parents and i will never do....first, why would her mother come at her every birthday dressed as a mascot and didn't went to her as her own mother?

Her father is more strange because of his behavior,we don't mention the homophobic opinions also

Her mother seemed calm like she knew what she was doing... they're all mystery

But I will find the truth

Because no one makes my lover hurting

I don't like to see her in pain,is breaking my heart seeing her hurting like this because two grown up adults couldn't be responsible for their daughter

I will find the truth and I will take my baby out of this pain

You're not alone baby

I'm here with you at every step possible

And I won't let anyone take you from me


Becky:Stop crying baby, everything will be okay

Freen: Wasn't Pa's death enough babe?Why do I need to feel so much pain at one time?

Freen sobbed into my chest as I pulled her even closer and kissed her head

Becky: You're not alone in this baby,we will find the truth behind everything.Starting with their abandon and ending with their appearance

Freen:What if we don't babe?What if all this fuss will be just another heartbreak for me?

Becky:I won't let them hurt you baby.I promise..... you're mine one can break us... we'll fight together at every challenge that comes in our way

Freen:It hurts so much.....

Becky:I know baby....we will figure it out soon....I'm not letting you alone...I love you so damn much that it's hurting me too seeing you so vulnerable and broken

Freen:I love you too babe....

Freen sniffed as she looked up at me with her puffy red eyes.I smiled slightly and kissed her forehead before hugging her tighter once again

Becky:No one hurts my baby...

I whispered softly as I kept Freen at my chest with determination

My baby doesn't deserve this pain


At the Armstong mansion

Becky and Freen entered her parent's house while holding hands,as they spot Becky's parents and Layla playing a board game in the living room

As Becky saw the sight,she remembered how she used to spend time with her parents and play games like this.They would always have their free day which was Sunday and they would play lot's of game as hours by hours were passing

Becky looked at Freen sideway and saw how she was slightly smiling at the sight too but still with a look of hurt

Becky knew Freen didn't had the chance to spend time like this with anyone,that Uncle was always busy to ear money to support Freen with her studies

Becky squeezed Freen's hand and smiled reassuring at her

Freen smiled too and kissed her forehead before both of them were slowly walking,still hand in hand,to Layla

As soon as Layla saw us,she giggled happily and jumped into our arms


Becky:We missed you sweetie

Freen:How is my baby girl doing?

We both bowed slightly to my parents as we greeted them to show respect then we kissed our girl on the cheeks

Thanya:I missed you so much!Grandpa and Grandma teached me to play Monopoly!I have all the cash!

Becky gave her parents a knowing look,as she remembered how they would always teach her things about business when she was Layla's age

Freen chuckled and pinched Layla's cheek playfully

Freen: That's good to hear baby girl,keep rolling the business

Thanya giggled and went back to her game.Me and Freen looked at each other before we looked at my parents as we gave them a we-need-to-talk look

They looked at each other before turning back at us and nodded

We took that as a sign to go upstairs into my father office while one of my parents worker played with Layla

As we enter the office,we sit down and wait for my parents to enter also

I saw Freen inhaling and exhaling to calm herself.I reached out and hold her hand as I caress it with my thumb before whispering

Becky:We can do this baby, don't worry

Freen nodded and kissed my hand before setting it back onto her lap

After a few moments,my parents came also in the office and my dad sat down on his desk chair while my mother leaned against his right side

I turned my face into a serious one with determination

This is going to be a long long story

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