Chapter 11

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Becky POV

Rita:Hey there Becky,why did you call me?

She sat down,I looked at her with a cold expression

Today I'm going to stop this woman advances on my baby

Becky:I want to talk with you... it's not about our project.... it's about MY GIRLFRIEND


Becky:I don't know who you think you are but I don't want to see you again touching my girlfriend.Kisses on the cheek?What do you think you are?You don't think that I saw how you touched her leg with your foot  when we had that dinner?I'm more smarter than you think so don't force yourself Rita

Rita:Becky,I was just-

Becky:Being friendly?Trust me, that's not a "being friendly" comportament.So stop whatever you're doing because the only one who will be hurt is you

Rita:Are you threatening me?Do you know who I am?

Becky:Rita Wensen,married to Jack Wensen for five years.You cheated on your husband with more than 14 man's and with some woman's.You even slept with some business men just for them to sponsor you're restaurant.You are practically a whore right?Sucking dick for your restaurant,cheating on your husband huh?

Rita was looking at me shocked while I was grining

Rita:How did you....

Becky:Oh Rita,you don't know how much power I have do you?I have my ways....what do you think will happen if your husband finds out?


Becky:He would divorce,he would want all the money he invested in you and in that restaurant because if I know right, the building is on his name so surely he would destroy it.And if I'm not mistaken,your family are partner with his so your parents would be disappointed too

Rita: You're threatening me right now

Becky:I'm not,I'm just telling you what would happen if you won't leave my girlfriend alone

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