Chapter 2

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Freen POV

I turned off my alarm and I woke up Becky because we had to leave to the airport. In the meantime I called a taxi to take us then I went to get dressed with Becky

When Becky and I were getting dressed we stole a kiss or a touch but we didn't escalate to more because we didn't want to be late

After Becky and I got dressed, we got our bags, checked the apartment one last time and locked the door. We went down to the taxi and put our bags and headed to the airport

After an hour, since we lived quite far away, we arrived at the airport and took our luggage from the car, thanking the driver.We went and waited for them to announce the boarding of our plane, then we boarded

We took two seats in first class because we wanted to have a little privacy

We sat in our seats and waited to leave. After some time when the pilot announced that we could take off our seat belts, Becky immediately came and hugged me

She put his head on my neck and I slowly caressed her back

Becky:I miss you

Freen:I'm right here babe,how can you miss me?

As I finished the sentence I felt Becky start biting my neck as her hand unbuttonedmy shirt

Freen:Babee,not here

Becky:Just let me suck your boobies baby

I huffed and let her do her thing

While Becky was sucking my boobs I was chatting with Becky's parents

Steph is Becky's dad and he treats me like his own daughter.When Becky presented me to him,he was very happy that he actually hugged me.He said that he was waiting to see who was making his daughter smile like that

Faire is Becky's mother and she, exactly like Steph,treats me like her daughter.Sometimes Becky would get jealous over that but I would reconcile to her very quickly because I don't like my baby upset


When we told them about our plans, they insisted that I should go with Becky in New York at college because they don't want to separate us.They even talked with Pa to let me go with her

Pa agreed to it because he wanted the best for me,he wanted me to become a great woman and to show to the world, especially my parents that now they don't give a fuck about me but I don't care

For me they're nobody.Pa will be always my number one

Becky:Penny for your thoughts?

Freen:Just shup up and continue what you're doing

She chuckled and returned to her task

Freen:When we get home,we should go to visit mom and dad

Becky:You can go alone, you're like their daughter anyway

Freen: Don't sulk or else I'm gonna get my boobs back

She pouted but took my other nipple in her mouth

God,I have such a big baby


Faire:My darlings,how much I missed you two!

Faire greeted us as she hugged me and Becky

Faire:How was New York?What about your college?

Becky:Mom please before you start giving us a hundred questions let us eat,we're starving

Faire: You're always starving

Becky huffed and went into the kitchen

Freen: Don't mind her mom, she's grumpy today

Faire:I won't darling.Come on,maybe you're starving too

Freen:A little bit

I admitted shyly

Faire smiled an leaded me to their kitchen,Becky was already there eating a sandwich

As soon as Becky saw me she handed me one sandwich

Becky:For my baby

I smiled and took a bite out of it

Faire: Don't you want some of your mother cook?

We both widened our eyes and nodded because we missed mom's cooking

Faire smiled and went to heat up some food she made before we came


Becky:Let's go wait at the table baby

I nodded and took her hand,we went at the table at sat myself beside Becky,waiting for Faire to come

After a few minutes,Faire came with two plates and we began to eat right away

Faire:Oh my,eat slow.I don't want to see one of you chooke here

We finished eating and cheated a little bit more with Faire.After two hours we heard the door being opened revealing Steph who was carrying two bags

We ran and hugged him tight

Steph:Oh, my girls are home

He hugged us back and kissed our forehead's

Becky:I missed you daddy

Did I said that Becky is daddy's girl?

Steph:I missed you too sweetie

Freen:Good to see you again dad

Steph:Freen, you're as beautiful as ever

I giggled and helped him with the bags of groceries

After we put the groceries in the kitchen,we went back and we continued to narrate our college experience

At 7 pm we left to go home because tomorrow we're going to the restaurant.I need to see how Pa is doing too

So we showered,where we had a quickie,and got into the bed drifting to sleep right away

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