Chapter 5

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Becky POV

As I told my parents what happened since Uncle's funeral they had a shocked face mixed with anger

They know how much Freen suffered because of her parents and their absence and how much Uncle meant for her

They got angry because Freen is now like their daughter and she's meaning a lot to them like I do as their daughter

My Mom hugged Freen and she sobbed as she wasn't able to contain her tears as they kept flowing

I clenched my jaw once again as I feel like I want to burn down these humans that couldn't understand the meaning of being a parent

My baby is hurting so much right now!

It hurts me too baby

But I promise I will make it right for you

I promise I will hold you whenever you break down

And I will be the one to pick you up

I sat up and paced back and forth in the room

Freen:Babe sit down please

Becky: They're hurting you baby!We can let this slide!We need to find the truth about what happened between your parents and why they abandoned you

Freen:I know babe but please,I don't want any angry energy....I'm tired please

I stopped and softened my face.I sighed and went to my baby as I hugged her after my Mom went back to my dad

Becky:I'm sorry baby,forgive me please

Freen: It's okay babe,please calm down

Freen hugged me back and I wiped her tears

We were interrupted when we heard a knock on the door slowly

The door opened and revealed Layla that was looking at us sadly

Layla:Mommies?Who is crying?

Freen sighed and let me in her lap as she extended a hand towards Layla

She came slowly to us and hugged Freen sideways

Freen:No one is crying baby girl

I smiled reassuring at Layla and patted her head

Becky:Mommies are just talking with Grandma and Grandpa honey,okay?

Layla:I want to stay with you too

Freen:Baby girl,this is an adult talk okay?Can you be a good girl for us and wait for us?

Becky: Just a few minutes baby then we will get home afterwards,okay?

Layla nodded and went back into the living room to resume playing monopoly

We sat down once again and turned serious to my dad

Becky:They told us just a part of the story but we feel like there is something more...that they don't want us to find out

Freen:My father seems homophobic but my mother seems okay with me

Becky:Yeah and he even narrowed his eyes at me when I was holding you close

My dad nodded understanding and tapped his fingers thinking

Becky:We want to check their backgrounds,to see if Freen's mother did really came every year at her birthday.Because if that's true then there should be some information when she was traveling here

Freen:I just want to find the truth and live in peace,just for once

I kissed Freen's hand as I wiped it with my thumb

Becky: Don't worry baby

Dad:I will search for their backgrounds and for your mother travelling history.Till then,go home with your girl and relax,okay?

Me and Freen nodded before we stood up and went outside to call layla

Freen:Baby girl, let's go home!

Layla came to us and gathered her things but not before she kissed her grandparents as a goodbye

We excused ourselves and went to our car.I drove us home as I kept my hand on Freen's to help her relax as Layla was drawing something in the backseats

We got home and had dinner then we watched a movie together with Layla of course

We cuddled,giggled and even had a pillow fight before we began to tickle each other

We took a bath and showered Layla as we put her to sleep

Me and Freen went to out bedroom and changed into our nightswears.As I sat down on the bed I saw Freen looking in the mirror before she turned to look at me

I patted the spot beside me and she sat down before I hugged her as we falled onto the bed together

We began to have a makeout session,a thing we were usually doing before sleep

Freen interrupted our kiss as she looked between my eyes

Freen:Babe...I'm sorry b-but...

I understood what she meant without her finishing her sentence

Becky:Baby, it's okay.... let's just keep kissing like this

Freen nodded and pulled me close by my waist as she kissed me once again

Freen hands roamed all over my back before they settled back around my waist

My hands slowly travelled down her back before grabbing her ass cheeks

She moaned against my lips and I deepened the kiss as my hands kept holding her ass

After a few moments we pulled apart and pecked eachother's lips before snuggling close to each other and drifting to sleep

I will make everything better for you baby

Our Unrequited Love (FreenBecky)Where stories live. Discover now