Chapter 8

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Freen POV

What do I do!?

Me,Rena and Becky in the same place

I'm gonna be dead!

I don't know why Becky is very posesive

She was bullying me not so long ago and now she wants to go with me when I meet Rein

I really don't understand,besides that she rubbed my thigh when we were out

Why did she do that?

I heard my doorbell ring,I didn't waited for anyone so who would be?

I rushed downstairs and opened the door to see a grining Becky

"Hey Sarocha,ready to go?

"H-how do you know w-where I live?"

"I have my way Sarocha,now let's go,Rena should be waiting"


"Put your shoes on and let's go"

I immediately obeyed and followed her to her car

She opened the door for me and I entered then she came to her seat

"So,before we go,I want you to know....if she's doing something bad in front of my face or anything to you, she's fucking dead,you got me?"

"B-but why are you s-so angry at her?"

"Because she's fucking touchy with you Sarocha and I trust my gut when I say she's a bad influence"

"But you don' don't k-know her"

"And you do?I don't think so.Listen to me Sarocha"

Again she put her hand on my thigh going up

"If she put one finger on you, she's out"

I didn't said anything and just stared at her

"You got me Sarocha!?"

I nod my head very fast because she's really scary

She's still my bully after all but I still don't quite understand why she's here with me

"Good,now let's go"

She slapped my thigh and started to drive to the arcade

~At the arcade

"Where is your friend Sarocha?"

We were looking for Rena but I didn't saw her anywhere

Suddenly someone hugged me from behind and it was Rena

Becky was looking at me, clenching her jaw

I quickly got out of her hug and ran to Becky, practically burring my face in her neck

"Sorry,I didn't mean to scare you Freen"

Rein apologized and Becky put her arms around me protectively

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