Chapter 3

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Freen POV

I woke up by the sound of my phone

It was 3AM and an unknown number was calling me

I responded after thinking if I should do it or not


Unknown person:"Hi Freen,right?I'm Nick and I'm calling you because Jao asked me.We are at a party and Heng is drunk and Jao can't handle it alone so he told me your number and if you can come to help him.I'm his friend from the basketball team"

Freen:"How can I believe you?"

Nick:"He's here----Jao,talk to her-----Freen do you hear me?"

That's Jao

Freen:"Yeah, you're alright?"

Jao:"Yeah,my phone died but luckily I know your number so I asked one of my teammates to call you.Can you come to help me with Heng?"

Freen:"Yeah,just send me the address"

Jao:"Thanks,I send it to you.I'm waiting"

I hung up and rushed to change into something because I was in my sports bra and in some shorts

After I changed I left and run to the addres Jao send me

But he has a car,why he need my help?Did he drink?Because Heng clearly did

After 20 minutes of running I was infront of a big house

I entered and there really was a party with drunk people,some making out,some still drinking or playing games

My eyes went to the living room ant there was Jao with Heng that was with the head on his shoulder

I went to him and Jao looked up with a sigh of relief

"Freen help me please.He's drunk and I am too,no so much but anyway,I can't drive and I asked someone from my team to drive us but I don't trust him completely.Come with us please"

"Then who is taking me home?"

"I will"

I looked back to see Yuri with Becky looking at me,Becky clearly drunk

"Are you dumb?Why would you take her home?"

"Because it's my car and I will.Jao I drive you and Heng too"

Jao turned his attention to me and I could tell from his eyes that he was asking me if it's sure and I nodded

I trust Yuri

"I'm waiting for you outside"

Yuri left,dragging Becky with her

I turned to Jao and helped him with Heng

We went to Yuri's car and I opened the backseat door for them

Jao was at the window behind Yuri and Heng was in the middle with his head on Jao's shoulder

"Type the address please"

Yuri said as she gave me her phone

I put Jao address and lift my hand to give the phone to Yuri but Becky took it from my hand

And of course she needed to do something,she scratched my hand with her nails

I just looked down and played with my fingers till we arrived at Jao house

I helped him to carry Heng inside and I bid my goodbye to them

I closed the front door behind me and I looked up to see Becky standing outside the car,leaning on the door with her arms crossed

"Come on,I want home"

I nodded and went again in the backseat as Becky went into the passager one

The ride to my home was quiet,Becky didn't said anything neither Yuri and I just sat in the seat behind Becky

I was looking out of the window and I felt some fingers on my knee

I looked down to see Becky right hand searching for something

"A-are you s-searching for some-something?"

"I fell like throwing up"

"Don't throw up in my fucking car"

Yuri stopped the car at a shop and left me with Becky that still had her hand on my knee

"Hold my hand.Now"

I quickly hold her hand and she breath in and out slowly

She's not feeling well,if she hold someone hand it would make her fell better?Oh god my crush is holding my hand

She let it go as Yuri came back with a bag and a bottle of water


"Thanks" Becky took the water from Yuri and drank all of it

After some minutes we pulled up in front on my house

"Thank you Yuri,I owe you"

"It's not necessary Freen.Goodnight"

"Goodnight Rabbit"

Becky said at this only made me blush


I got out and rushed inside,after I made sure I locked the door I went to my bedroom,drifting to sleep

Now,will Becky remember what she did in the car?That she hold my hand?I need to be prepared tomorrow,I fell something won't be right

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