Chapter 5

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Becky POV

We got in front of the restaurant a few minutes ago but I was preoccupied to have a make out session with my lover

Everytime we do this I feel like I am back in HighSchool

Now I remember when we once had a make out session in front of our friends


I was kissing my baby like my life depends on it

We were in the canteen and I was in my baby's lap

Kissing each other like there was no tomorrow and only stopping when we had to breath but then we would go at it again

We felt the other student's stares but we didn't care at all,right now it was just me and her

We only stopped when someone threw a apple at my baby but I caught it before it could hit her precious face,with my reflexes

I looked at who throwed it and saw how Jao slapped Heng's hand

I gave him a death stare and he said "sorry"

Amanda:For god's sake,please take your mouth off each other

Yuri:We want to eat without throwing up

We giggled and I gave my baby a last peck on the lips before starting to feed each other

End of flashback

God,I miss that times, when I was younger

I mean, it's not like I'm not young but still

Freen:Penny for your thoughts?

Becky:Do you remember when we would have a make out session in front of our friends?

Freen: Didn't they throwed an apple at me?

Becky: That was once....they were usually throwing paper airplanes

Freen:The make out session's were great tho

Becky:They still are baby

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