Chapter 16

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Freen POV

Today it's Saturday and I have a date with my girlfriend,Becky

I can't believe we are still dating,I feel like I'm in clouds every time I'm with her

She's making me feel so special, important,loved

Becky never left my side when I was down,when some girls made fun of me because I tripped over something,Becky got their mouth shut just with some words

Some students think I am using her because she's popular and she practically owns the highschool but it isn't true

I love her with all my heart, I belong to her and she belongs to me

I don't need some frustrated people to tell me I am not good enough for Becky

If I won't be she will tell me, she's very blunt most of the time

I mean....when we have sleepovers when she would get out the shower her first question is "are you on your period?"

I usually say if I am or not and ask her why....she just jumps on the bed and asks me if I want to have sex tonight

I like the fact that she asks me if I want too because she wants me to enjoy as much as her

I'm so in love with this goddamn girl

Just when I was thinking about her I see that she's calling me

I hurried to respond and I greeted her very excited

Becky:Ohhh,my baby is excited I see

Freen:Of course I am!I have a date with the hottest girlfriend in the world

Becky:Me too baby

Freen:Why did you call?

Becky:Well I couldn't wait anymore so hurry up,I am in front of your home

I cursed and ended the call as I hurry up because I don't want Becky to wait to much

I rushed and bid my goodbye to Pa and went to see my mommy 

I opened the door and I saw her waiting while she's leaning on the car.I hurried and jumped in her arms

Becky:You're really excited to see me awww

I kissed her and leaned my forehead against her's

Freen:How can I not?I miss you every second

Becky:Me too baby,that's why I'm here after all.....and of course for our date

Becky took my hand and helped me get in her car then she went to her seat and drove off

She was driving with her left hand and she was holding mine with the other one

Today we will have  the best date ever and I won't let anything ruin it.I closed my phone and so did Becky because we want to be just us this whole day,without social media,messages from friends or anything else

We have an camera with us if we want to make some photos,we still need to capture every moment together

Not the one's in bed tho,who would take photos when you're fuck-...........why the hell I am thinking of that

Becky snapped me out of my thoughs,patting my shoulder

Becky:Babyyyy,we are here,why you're not movingg?

Freen:Sorry Becky,I-

Becky:Sorry who?

Freen;Sorry mommy

Becky;Perfect baby,let's go enjoy our day without any,you wil be the only one I see and I am the same to you.Just us

Freen:Just us


It was 10pm hen I arrived home after my date with my girlfriend

We had a picnic,we had a walk around the lake,we went shopping and went to the cinema

She was so sweet today and I fall in love with her every moment

How did I became so lucky?So lucky so have a girl like her with me,who is patient with me and who loves me unconditionally

Gosh Becky,what are you doing to me?

Please take care of my heart like I will

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