Chapter 14

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Becky POV

Today we're going to have a business party to celebrate the restaurant anniversary

Freen and I will be doing the party in our own restaurant cause why rent another when you have one already?

Freen organized the food and the drinks and I decorated the place

After I finish with the last changes,I'm going home to shower and change into my dress

After half an hour I finished and went directly home

I got into the house and saw that Freen wasn't in the kitchen or the living room so I guess she's in the bedroom

I opened the door and there was Freen all naked,searching for her suit

I came behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist

Becky:My beautiful naked girlfriend

Freen:Hey there babe

I squeezed her breast and whispered in her ear

Becky:The black one is the best baby

Freen:I-I think you're right....let me c-change?

Becky:I won't do anything to you today baby, calm down

I went to the wardrobe and took my dress

Becky:I will wear this so that we will be matching

Freen nodded and changed into her suit as I changed into my dress

After we changed we left and arrived after half an hour

Everyone was there, charting and laughing

I saw Uncle at the bar,drinking some juice

We greeted some of our employees and went to Uncle

As soon as he saw us,he got up and gave us a hug

Uncle:My beautiful girls,how are you?

Freen:We're good Pa

Becky:How are you feeling Uncle?

Uncle:I'm good girls, don't worry.Becky,the decorations are beautiful

Becky:Thank you Uncle

I let Freen to talk with Uncle while I greeted our other employees

After a while,everyone was eating and some were dancing

Me and Freen were feeding each other but we saw that Uncle was barely eating

Freen:Pa?Why don't you eat?

Uncle:I just don't feel like it Sarocha...

Becky:You need to eat Uncle,please

He nodded and slowly began eating

Me and Freen exchanged a worried look but our attention was taken by two employees

There were Jay and Elissa

Jay:We have an announcement to make

Elissa:We want to tell our bosses,Miss.Chankimha and Miss.Armstrong that we are very grateful for our jobs and for your care of us.I know everyone knows about me and Jay's relationship but also about me being married

Jay:We want to say that we made a final decision about our relationship.Me and Elissa agreed for Elissa to get a divorce with her husband and currently we are still in the process

Elissa:Thank you Boss for your advices,that helped us a lot and we are very thankful for everything

Jay:I also....proposed to Elissa and as soon as she's officially divorced we want to have our wedding

Elissa:So we want to invite all of you because you all matter so us

Jay:From now on we will fight for our loved ones and have each other's backs,thank you...

Everyone clasped and congratulated them

They came to us smiling after

Jay:Thank you for everything Boss

Becky: We're happy for you

Freen:I hope you two will be okay with each other

Elissa:Thank you so much

Freen:You don't need to thank us,it was your decision and you need to be proud of it

Becky:Yes,fight for everything you want to have together

Jay:I hope you won't break up ever, you're our inspiration

Becky:We sure won't

I smiled at Freen and gave her a quick peck on the lips

When will I make you my wife Freen?

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