Chapter 18

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Becky POV

We dropped Layla at my parents house and went with my baby to enroll her at school

After we arrived,we were greeted by the director and he led us to his office

We sat down and started talking

Director:So you want to enroll your adopted child in kindergarten right?


Director: We are happy to hear that two most important people in Thailand want to enroll their kid here.This school has professional teachers and we will do everything we need to make the kids feel safe and happy

Freen:This is the best school in Thailand right?

Director:Yes,Miss.Chankimha.Our school is known for our professionalism and our dedication for kids

Becky:Well then,we would like to sign the papers

We did everything we needed to do and got up

Director:We will see each other again at the beginning of the year with the little one too


Freen got closer to the director and I already sensed what she would say

Freen:If my kid will ever come home crying because of a teacher or because of another kid,I will confront them myself

Becky:And this school will be down in less than two days

Director:Y-yes miss....

We bid our goodbyes and went to pick up our girl

I know we can't adopt her in papers cause we are not married but we will solve that

We arrived at my parents house and we were greeted by our daughter


She jumped in my baby's arms and I hugged them

Layla:I missed youuu

Becky:We missed you too darling

Freen:Say goodbye to your grandpa's

Layla:Goobye grandma,grandpa

Steph:Goodbye little one,come as soon as you can

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