Chapter 7

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Freen and Becky received a call from Becky's parents saying that they found some news and we have to come at their house urgently

Both of them instantly ran to get the car and Layla so they can go right away, straight to Becky's parents

Becky drove fast as Freen began to panic, feeling like things weren't going to turn out good for them

After a 15 minutes drive,which was taking 30 minutes if Becky would have respected the speed limits,they arrived at Becky's parents home

They parked the car in the driveway in front of the house and got out,going into the house where they were already waited by

Steph was with Faire,one next to eachother as they let the maid take Layla with her,and all four of them went to Steph's office

They got inside and closed the door,making sure they weren't listened by any workers,just in case,and they all sat down as Steph had a serious face whole Faire a worried one

Becky:"What happened?Did you found something? Anything??"

Becky asked impatiently as her eyes darted between her mom and her dad and then at her lover,before going back at her dad

Steph:"Okay,I did some research and I asked my employees to help me also and we found some informations about Freen's mom."

Freen started to fidget with her fingers as she began to sweat slightly,and Becky,as an attentive lover she is,saw her and squeezed her hand reassuringly before holding her hand gently

Becky took a deep breath and looked back at her dad as she nods,her face showing clear determination and attention

Becky:"What did you found dad?"

Steph opened his laptop and turned it sideways do they all could see what was on it.Lots of informations about Freen's mom,each displayed in different categories

Steph:"We'll start with the beginning.Your mom,left the country after she got her divorce from your dad and,somehow,she got a restriction on her name to see you.Apparently,your dad and she made a process to see which one gets your custody,but it seems like your mom lost against your dad"

Freen looked confused as she read the information herself from Steph's laptop,and then she turned to look at him and then back at the screen

Freen:"I never knew they started a process to get my custody,Pa never said anything about this to me ever"

Becky:"Is that all?"

Becky asked as she squeezed Freen's hard tighter in her hand,reading the words displayed on the screen with attention

Steph shook his head as he continued speaking

Steph:"Your dad also left the country,starting a small company which got more successful through years,and he got associated with some gangster,of course to make more profit.The gangster helped him in anything he wanted while he would pay the price,often some shares from the company"

Freen and Becky,even Faire,looked shocked by the news

Becky:"Is this real??What the fuck?"

Freen:"Honey, language."


Steph and Faire tried to hide their amusement at they saw their daughter getting scolded by her lover,before he cleared his throat to regain his attention to the reason why they were gathered there

Steph:"Yes,I know it sounds crazy but it's real.So,your mom got a restriction to come near you after she lost the process for the custody against your dad.So,she used a fake passport to enter the country,so she won't be localised by your dad or his men,or the gangster's men he was associated with.That's why she was coming just on the time of your birthday,dressed as a mascot"

The realisation hit Freen hard,as her eyes went wide and her lips parted slightly, processing all the information she just heard

Freen:"He was the one keeping us apart"

Becky:"He is the real problem"

All of them saw how Freen's face darkened,and how she clenched her teeth and her jaw,her expression turning from shocked and hurt to angry

Freen:"Tell me everything"

Freen said with an assertive and determined tone as she looked straight into Steph's eyes.He looked hesitant as he turned his attention to Becky,but Becky gave her accord as she nods her head

This awakened a part of Freen no one knows,even Becky,because Freen rarely gets angry,but when she does, she's a whole new person

Becky knew if this situation made Freen angry,this was a really,really big problem for them


Hello dear readers,your favourite writer is back on the business🤭
Firstly,I want to thank you for the support I've got from you,and secondly,more updates will come since I started to read more to get more inspiration and ideas.I will be very grateful if you would send me ideas in the profile or dm that would help me more with the writting and story plot

Have a good day/night and take care,see you tomorrow since the updates will start to get posted everyday or every two days❤️

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