Chapter 1

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Freen POV

"Sarocha!Come down we will be late!"

I woke up and fall off the bed

I turned my alarm down and rushed to dress


I finished and went downstairs,my uncle was standing at the table with some pancakes ready for me

"Dig in,we need to clean the classrooms"

"Of course Pa"

I'm calling him Pa because I fell like he's my father

I love him so much for want he's doing for me

I ate very fast and left with Pa to clean the classrooms

I'm helping him so that he can finish quickly, there's two hours left before the school gates are open and the students will be all over the place

I split in half the classrooms with Pa and I finished my part so I went to my locker to get my thing's ready for the classes

I left to search for Pa so that I can give him the lunch box I special made for him

I found him in the janitor's closet

"Hey Pa"

"Hi Sarocha,did you finish?"

"Yeah I did,here,this is for you"

I told him as I held the lunch box for him

"What is this?"

Pa said as she took it from my hands

"Your lunch"

"Oh Sarocha,thank you.But what about you?"

"You know I have some money for it, don't worry Pa"

I lied,I usually stay at Heng and Jao's table watching them be a lovely couple and they give me their food

Sometimes Heng,sometimes Jao

"Alright,tell me if you need anything Sarocha okay?"

"Yes Pa.Love you"

"Love you too"

I left and went to my locker to gather my notebook but when I wanted to take it someone slammed the locker door on my fingers


I turned around and there she was

My bully crush

"Hello Rabbit,you look bad as always"

I didn't say anything,she doesn't like when I reply back

"It looks like you know the rules now,good girl"

She and her friend left laughing because I still didn't say anything

Damn my hand hurts

I took my notebook that fell on the floor and went directly to my first period,math


I arrived to the class and sat on my usual seat

The teacher came no long after me and started his lesson

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