Chapter 4

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Becky POV

We discussed another things about work with Uncle and he said something about a partnership

Uncle:We received emails with offers of partnership between restaurants and one of them seemed interesting

Becky:Can you show us please?

Uncle showed Freen where the email is and we read

From:Wensen Sushi Restaurant

Hello Mrs.Chankimha and Mrs.Armstrong.Lately I've been thinking about a partnership between our restaurants here in Thailand.With my restaurant and your,we can make a big project that will helps us both very much.Please consider my offer and let me know your opinion.Here is my contact xxxxxxxxxxxx

Freen: Isn't it Rita Wensen? She's like on the thirt place?

Becky: You're right, that's her.It will be a good partnership to be honest

Freen: Then we're gonna respond to her offer.Let me send a email back

Freen responded back with an email and waited for her acceptation

After half an hour,she responded

From:Wensen Japanese Restaurant

That a good thing to hear!Of course I will accept, it's my offer after all.You won't regret your decision,let's have a meeting as soon as we can

Freen:Looks like we did it

Becky: Let's have the meeting tomorrow okay?

Freen nodded and I turned to look at Uncle

Becky:Please go home and rest.You did so much for us to manage this restaurant but we will take over from here

Freen: Becky's right Pa.Go home and don't worry,we are here now

Uncle:Alright my dears,I'm gonna go

We bid our goodbye's to Uncle and continued to work


It was 11 pm when we finished and now we were heading home

Freen was driving and I was mesmerized by her beauty

Freen: Can't take your eyes off me mommy?

Becky:You know I can't

Freen:Haha,I know

Suddenly an evil plan went into my mind

I put my hand on her thigh and carresed it gently

After a while,I slowly moved my hand higher near her private

Freen:Bec,I'm driving

Becky: What's wrong?Just keep driving,I'm just having my dessert before dinner

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