Chapter 8

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After Steph talked more with Freen about her parents,her dad's company,the gangster association and her mom's restrictions,Becky took Freen to Layla, knowing she would make Freen feel better

Becky took Freen to the playground that was in the backyard,the same where Becky would play as a child.Layla was going down the slide and as she saw them,Layla ran with enthusiasm to hug both of them

Freen crouched down to hug Layla back,as she kept her tight in her arms while kissing the top of her head

Becky smiled softly at the sight as she crosses her arms at her chest before talking softly

Becky:"Mommy Freen needs some loving,Ly"

Layla giggled and took Freen's hand once again, pulling her towards the playground so they can play together at the trampoline

In the meantime,Becky left the playground quietly as she walks towards her old bedroom in her parent's house

After she steps in,she closes the door behind her and leaned with her back and head against it, letting out a soft sigh

Becky walked to her old bed and gently sat on it's edge, looking around before her eyes fixed on her old teddy bear

Faire:"You used to hug him when you were feeling down.I could barely take it from you to wash it"

Becky turned to look at the door,her mom standing there with the door ajar,leaning her head against the doorframe

Becky:"I know mom"

Faire:"What's bothering you, sweetheart?"

Faire asked gently as she entered and closed the door, walking and sitting next to Becky as she takes her hand in hers

Becky sighed and looked at her mom with a slight smile

Becky:"This situation is so complicated,mom.I worry so much about Freen since uncle's death...and now,this unexpected problem with her parents is causing so much distress for both of us but mostly for her"

Faire:"You're her girlfriend, it's normal for you to be worried about your loved one.But she's a strong girl,she went through so much and look at her,still standing confidently beside you"

Becky:"She's rarely angry,and when she is,it means it hurt her way too much.I want her to be happy,mom,for us to be happy.We have Layla now,we practically have a kid,we have our own house,our own business,and yet here we are,struggling against people from the past that keep ruining us"

Becky sighed as she rubbed her temple with her free hand,her mom giving her a comforting hug

Faire:"I know both of you have big plans,for yourselves but for your relationship too.You're both two strong women that faced lots of things,going through thick and thin together.Your love is beautiful,sweetie,you're going to get through this obstacle also like you did before"

A tear slipped off Becky's cheek as she sniffed and whispered softly, holding her mom close

Becky:"I am afraid to loose her so much mom.She's my everything,my lover,my life,my soulmate...I am so in love with her, god damnit,I'm obsessed,addicted maybe.If she'll get hurt,it would hurt myself too"

Faire:"I know sweetie,I know"

Becky:"You know I want to marry her,mom?"

Faire chuckled and ruffled her daughter's hair,pulling away gently with a smile

Faire:"I saw the engagement ring when we visited your home weeks ago.But I realised anyway that you want to ask her to marry you"

Before they can continue to talk,the door opened again,as Freen and Layla were standing in the doorway.Layla smiled and ran,jumping in Becky's arms,while Freen softly stepped in

Freen:"What is happening here?Are you okay,babe?"

Freen asked worried as she saw Becky's teary eyes,taking a seat beside her as she gently wiped her tears with her thumb

Becky:"Yes baby,me and mom were just talking 'bout something...did you finished playing?"

Freen:"Yeah,Layla wanted to stay with you too so we searched around the house till we found you here"

Freen said as she kissed Becky's cheek affectionately, hugging her sideways

Faire:"Well,I will go to prepare dinner.Since you're all here,you should sleep here till tomorrow,okay?Layla will sleep with me and Steph,who wouldn't love some time with the most cool grandparents,huh?"

Layla giggled as she excitedly nodded her head,going into Faire's arms with a wide smile

Faire:"Let's let your mommies alone while you help me prepare dinner,little angel"

Layla:"Yay, let's go!!"

Faire walked out with Layla in her arms,giving one last wink towards Freen and Becky before closing the door behind her

Freen looked at Becky and hugged her tighter, whispering softly in her ear as she rubbed her backside slowly

Freen:"Why were you crying,my beautiful babe?"


Becky whispered back as she gazed into Freen's eyes,before gently pulling her by the nape towards herself, pressing their lips together in a slow yet passionate kiss

Becky:"If something would happen to you,I would bring down the whole world for you"

Freen:"I know you do, always do"

Becky wanted to say so much more,but she held herself because she wanted to give some peace to Freen,just for the rest of the day.They continued to stay cuddled in Becky's old room,on the old bed that hadn't been touched since Becky's leaving,falling asleep in eachother's arms on the soft pillows

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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