Chapter 1

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Freen POV

"Hi Princess"

My father was looking straight into my eyes with tears in his and my mom was looking on the ground slightly shaking

Freen: What.The.Fuck!?

"Language please-"

Freen:Language!?You think you can tell me how I can talk huh?

Becky hugged my arm tighter and whispered into my ear

Becky: Let's not make a scene here baby,we don't want to.... ruin Uncle's funeral

Freen: You're right!I won't stay here to listen to their bullshit....I don't want to ruin this day for Pa


I took Becky's arm and ran with her to our car.I put her into the driver seat and she left right away after I entered

My heart was beating fast,really fast and I was breathing heavily

Becky carresed my hand with her thumb while she was driving and she would take some glances at me to see how I am

Once she parked into our garage I stormed out and went into the kitchen to drink some water

I felt Becky's hand around my waist,pulling me closer to her front

Freen:How c-can they...

Becky:I know baby....I know...

She led us both into the living room on the couch,I snuggled closer to her as I burried my face in her neck

Becky:You can talk about it with me you know that,right?

Freen:I know....

Becky:Layla will be home for dinner,do you want to...

Freen:Talk about it?

I felt how she nodded her head so I took a deep breath

Freen:Why did they have to show up right now huh?To break me down again and reminding me about the parents I didn't had?Didn't I done enough babe....I finally let them be a part of my past,just some people who gave me life and just left,nothing more.I saw Pa as my only father and now when he's gone they came again for what?

Becky: Baby,they won't and can't take Uncle's place in your hearth.He was and he will be number one.We will find out what is happening okay?

I nodded and kissed her cheek

Our Unrequited Love (FreenBecky)Where stories live. Discover now