Chapter 10

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Becky POV


"Can I say first please?"


Freen closed her eyes and took a deep breath

"I had a crush on you since freshman year and it lasten till now.Even though you bullyed me and made my life at school a living hell I always was attracted to you.When you started to be good to me my feelings for you developed more and more and now I believe I'm in love with you.I was jealous everytime I saw Nop with you and thought 'why him and not me' and when you two break up my jealousy grew even more when he tried to aproach you to reconcile.When we were at the arcade and you told me I was in your mind too I was surprised because I never thought a girl like you would love someone like me,a poor freak.I have nothing to give to you,I barely have some good points but.....I know and I want you to know now that I love you and you being my girlfriend would be....a dream come true.."

"Freen,I had a crush on you since freshman year too....but you did something that made me hate you and deny whatever I had and have for you.Since then I bullyed you over and over because I thought you didn't like me and......I'm sure I love you too and....I want to be your girlfriend because I swear I want to kill all these bitches that comes to you or near you or even look at you.I want you to be mine and everyone to know that....that you're MY GIRLFRIEND"

I approached her and put my arms around her neck

"Be mine,Freen Sarocha"

"I......I want to be yours"

And with that I took her lips into a very passionate kiss

She's mine......just mine

No one can take her from me

No one!

Freen pulled back from our kiss and I gave her a confused look

"What did I do to you back then?"

"You don't remember?"



I put a love letter in Freen locker and now I'm hiding behind the corner

I saw her came with her friend Heng and she opened her locker and the letter fell

But she saw it,she saw it!

"What's this Freenky?"

"I don't know, it's seems that it's a letter"

"Open it"

I saw Freen opening the letter and she read it and she looked disgusted


"What a shit,a love letter seriously?

"Heng,let me read"

"Don't tell me you believe this"

" know what? It's a shit really"

She put the letter in the bin and left

She's........ AWFULL





"What? That's all you saw??"

"Yeah,what else should I see?"

"Becky....I returned to get it"


"Heng insisted that it's a shit and I shouldn't believe it and I said that just for him to shut up and leave me.After he went to his period I returned and got the letter back and I can prove it, it's in my locker.I stuck it at the end of the locker so it wouldn't get lost and because it was the first love letter I received"

"Y-you did?"

"Yeah but I always put my books in front of it so that Heng or Jao can see it and make fun of me"

"You dumbass!"

"You didn't sign it and I didn't know it was from you Becky....I'm sorry.."

I could hold myself so I kissed her again

I pushed her on the bed and put my hand in her shirt,slowly going up but she stopped my hand right below her breast

"Take it slow B-Becky.."

"I want to put marks all over your body Sarocha.."

"You will but not now,we don't have even 10 minutes since we've been together"

"I guess it's makes sense"

"Now....can you get off me and maybe let's go?I'm kinda...."

"Hungry my love?"


"Let's go then,my baby needs food"

Freen is my girlfriend

Only mine

My heart flutter at every glance I took of her

She loves me as much as I do

I'm so lucky


I know I will be posesive,toxic or everything but now I can't let you go

I'm never gonna let you go

Our Unrequited Love (FreenBecky)Where stories live. Discover now