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Laurence's POV
I was laying on the ground as my vision started to blur a little bit. I felt too injured to reach my arm out and grab my emerald sword. Even if I'm an immortal Shadow knight my regeneration was slow. I lifted my head up a little bit only to see my sister lying on the ground but luckily she regenerated her wound.

"How... how could I let this happen?" I thought in my mind

But then I realized something that I can't lose anyone else to Zane. Weather if they join him or killed by him with his cold bare hands. I picked up my sword and got up knowing as a guard I have to protect not just innocent people but also my friends.

"So you decided to fight after all well then let's have some fun shall we?" A voice said

My name is Laurence Zvahl and this is my story of how I become the greatest pro guard ever in Metli and Phoenix Drop even when the day has come.

~Start song The Day has Come by Porno Graffitti~

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