One: Charlotte Marino

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Charlotte POV

It was finally the last day of school before summer vacation, I sighed, the sound of Moonlight Sonata playing in the empty room was very lovely. I don't have a lot of friends since well I keep to myself really a lot either move around or they have their own friend group I was labeled the loner or whatever. I used to have a friend, but she was gone now. I was in the piano room; we didn't have enough money to get lessons, but I did like to play. The school offered it but only for high school students so I will get to start actually taking lessons next year. It calmed me down a lot, playing a piece I heard recently trying to figure out a few of the cords and hand placements. I'm not by any means a musical genius. I love music, my love for it, I don't know where it came from since Mom didn't play. She did like to watch and listen to me when we went to church on Sunday. She hated it though when people recorded me, and said that if they continued, I wouldn't play anymore.

Mom is Catholic so going to church a few times a year was normal, Sunday is the only day she has off so sometimes she doesn't want to go that is fine by me. There had been  a competition going on in New York that my music teacher really wanted me to attend but mom said no. It was the first real fight we had in regard to my music. Though she couldn't go and didn't want me going with someone she didn't really trust. So, we dropped it, Nelly my teacher did give me full access to the Piano room this summer though. So, I am happy about that.

The day went by pretty fast; I headed home, and mom was there late that night. We didn't really talk since she would need to get up at 4am to head to her job. So, I was already in bed when she got home. I don't remember her leaving in the morning it was a morning that I didn't have to wake up early like I normally did so I was prepared to stay in bed all day if I could.

My dreams were back though, of the men but I couldn't make out their faces. I could see me in purple but that was it, then something scary was coming but I couldn't remember what it was....BANG BANG BANG. I sat up looking around. The heck?


Strong firm knocks reverberated through the small one-bedroom apartment. That must have been the...wait what was my dream about again? I looked at the time it was around 7am. Mom had her second job today and wouldn't be home until around 8pm or 9 tonight. I rubbed my eyes getting out of bed yawning. It was already hot, and I hate that it's so hot here, the only good thing is no homework, thank goodness. Though if the person knocked any louder, I was certain that the door would fall off the hinges.

"I'm coming, stop that," I yelled at them, hurrying to the door. I was supposed to be able to sleep in today, it was times like this that I wish mom didn't work so much. Selfish yeah but I also didn't want her working two jobs anyway. It took tole on her body and made her so tired.

"Charlotte, this is the police. Please open the door," said the officer, his voice was loud, but there was a hint of sorrow in there, why? Wait! Police!? Why were the police here? Were we getting kicked out? A million thoughts spun through my head making me dizzy. I mean mom wasn't a saint and yeah, and we were not the best family by any means but why were they here? Thoughts about my best friend being taken by CPS away from her mom who couldn't hold a job and wasn't doing well with buying drugs and more. But why are they here now? Mom wasn't like that.

My hand was hovering over the doorknob, and then slowly I opened the door to the two officers. They stood there tall in front of me, the shorter one looked at me with sad eyes. I didn't like bad news, which is what I felt was coming. The taller of the men knelt down to be littler and maybe less scary. It wasn't really working for me. The man had a scar on his jaw that screamed I was in a fight and well I am the one that is the top dog in town.

"Hello, Charlotte, my name is Michael and my partner here is James. We're with the Tulsa City Police Department."

"H..hello," I muttered, the uneasiness was making my stomach hurt. I was fidgeting now, rubbing her hands on my arm, then my pajama pants since now they were sweaty.

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